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Deploy MATLAB Function That Accepts Struct Array as Input Argument

This example shows how to package a MATLAB® function that accepts a struct array as input and deploy it to an application written in C++. The workflow is supported on Windows®, Linux®, and macOS systems.

For a discussion on how to work with MATLAB struct array based on this example, see Work with MATLAB Structure Arrays.


  • Create a new work folder that is visible to the MATLAB search path. This example uses a folder named work.

  • Verify that you have set up a C++ development environment. For details, see Set Up C++ Development Environment. This example uses MATLAB as a C++ development environment. Therefore, verify that you have a C++ compiler installed by typing mbuild -setup C++ at the MATLAB command prompt.

  • Verify that you have met all of the MATLAB Compiler SDK™ C++ target requirements. For details, see MATLAB Compiler SDK C++ Target Requirements.

  • End users must have an installation of MATLAB Runtime to run the application. For details, see Download and Install MATLAB Runtime.

    For testing purposes, you can use an installation of MATLAB instead of MATLAB Runtime when running the C++ application.

Create MATLAB Function

Create a MATLAB file named analyzeData.m with the following code:

function outputStruct = analyzeData(inputStruct)
% This function takes a MATLAB struct 'inputStruct' as input, performs
% statistical analysis on each numeric field, and returns a struct
% 'outputStruct' containing the results of these analyses. Non-numeric
% fields in the input struct are ignored.
% Inputs:
%   inputStruct - Struct with fields containing numeric data.
% Outputs:
%   outputStruct - Struct with the same fields as 'inputStruct'. Each
%                  field is a struct with 'mean', 'std', and 'max'
%                  of the corresponding field in 'inputStruct'.

arguments (Input)
    inputStruct (1,1) struct

% Initialize outputStruct
outputStruct = struct();

% Get field names from the input struct
fields = fieldnames(inputStruct);

% Loop over each field and perform analysis
for i = 1:length(fields)
    fieldName = fields{i};

    % Ensure the field contains numeric data
    if isnumeric(inputStruct.(fieldName))
        % Calculate mean
        outputStruct.(fieldName).mean = mean(inputStruct.(fieldName));

        % Calculate standard deviation
        outputStruct.(fieldName).std = std(inputStruct.(fieldName));

        % Calculate max value
        outputStruct.(fieldName).max = max(inputStruct.(fieldName));
        warning('Field %s is not numeric and was skipped.', fieldName);

Established MATLAB users may find the presence of an arguments block unconventional. The arguments block lets you represent C++ data types with an equivalent MATLAB type.

Test the MATLAB function at the command prompt.

data = struct();
data.temperatures = [72, 75, 69, 68, 70];
data.pressures = [30, 29.5, 30.2, 29.9, 30.1];
output = analyzeData(data)
output = 
  struct with fields:

    temperatures: [1×1 struct]
       pressures: [1×1 struct]
ans = 
  struct with fields:

    mean: 70.8000
     std: 2.7749
     max: 75
ans = 
  struct with fields:

    mean: 29.9400

Package MATLAB Function Using

Create a code archive (.ctf file) and header (.hpp file) from the MATLAB function using the function.

buildResults ="analyzeData.m", ...
    OutputDir=".\output", Verbose="on");

The function produces a suite of files, as enumerated below, and places them in the specified output directory. Among these, the key files utilized during the integration process are the code archive (.ctf file) containing the MATLAB code and the corresponding header (.hpp file). For information on the other files, see Files Generated After Packaging MATLAB Functions.

│   GettingStarted.html
│   includedSupportPackages.txt
│   mccExcludedFiles.log
│   readme.txt
│   requiredMCRProducts.txt
│   unresolvedSymbols.txt

To finalize integration, you need the analyzeData.ctf code archive file and the analyzeDatav2.hpp header file from the generic_interface folder. You can view the header file here:



The generated artifacts do not include MATLAB Runtime or an installer. To create an installer using the buildResults object, see compiler.package.installer.

Integrate MATLAB Code Archive into C++ Application

You can finalize the integration process in your preferred C++ development environment, including MATLAB or alternatives such as Microsoft® Visual Studio® on Windows. This example, however, uses MATLAB as a C++ development environment. For details, see Set Up C++ Development Environment.

To integrate the generated MATLAB code archive (.ctf file) and header (.hpp file) into a C++ application, adhere to these guidelines:

  • Use a #include directive to incorporate the generated header file (.hpp file) in your C++ application code.

  • Ensure the code archive (.ctf file) is positioned in a location that the C++ executable can access.

Completing the integration step requires proficient C++ skills for writing application code. You can use the following sample C++ application code as guide when writing your own application.

  1. In the work folder for this example create a new file named StructConsoleApp.cpp with the following code.


  2. Compile and link the application by executing the mbuild function at the MATLAB command prompt.

    mbuild -v StructConsoleApp.cpp -outdir output\bin

Handle Code Archive (.ctf file)

To ensure your C++ application can access the code archive (.ctf file) containing MATLAB code, place the file in a location accessible to the executable. For this example we are going to do this by setting the CPPSHARED_BASE_CTF_PATH environment variable in the MATLAB desktop environment.


If you're using Visual Studio, see Set Environment Variables in Visual Studio.

For a complete list of code archive (.ctf file) placement options, see Code Archive (.ctf file) Placement.

Run C++ Application

For testing purposes, you can run the application from MATLAB command prompt. This does not require a MATLAB Runtime installation.

Field: temperatures
  mean: 70.8000
  std: 2.7749
  max: 75.0000
Field: pressures
  mean: 29.9400
  std: 0.2702
  max: 30.2000

See Also

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