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Class used to pass input/output arguments to C++ functions generated by MATLAB Compiler SDK


Use the mwArray class to pass input/output arguments to generated C++ interface functions. This class consists of a thin wrapper around a MATLAB® array. All data in MATLAB is represented by arrays. The mwArray class provides the necessary constructors, methods, and operators for array creation and initialization, as well as simple indexing.


Arithmetic operators, such as addition and subtraction, are no longer supported as of Release 14.

Required Headers

  • mclcppclass.h

  • mclmcrrt.h


MATLAB Compiler SDK™ automatically includes these header files in the header file generated for your MATLAB functions.




Construct empty array of type mxDOUBLE_CLASS.

mwArray(mxClassID mxID)


Construct empty array of specified type.

mxClassID mxIDValid mxClassID specifying the type of array to construct. See Work with mxArrays for more information on mxClassID.

mwArray(mwSize num_rows, mwSize num_cols, mxClassID mxID, mxComplexity cmplx = mxREAL)


Create a 2–D matrix of the specified type and complexity. For nonnumeric types, mxComplexity will be ignored. For numeric types, pass mxCOMPLEX for the last argument to create a complex matrix; otherwise, the matrix will be real. All elements are initialized to zero. For cell matrices, all elements are initialized to empty cells.

mwSize num_rowsNumber of rows in the array
mwSize num_colsNumber of columns in the array
mxClassID mxIDValid mxClassID specifying the type of array to construct. See Work with mxArrays for more information on mxClassID.
mxComplexity cmplxComplexity of the array to create. Valid values are mxREAL and mxCOMPLEX. The default value is mxREAL.

mwArray(mwSize num_dims, const mwSize* dims, mxClassID mxID, mxComplexity cmplx = mxREAL)


Create an n-dimensional array of the specified type and complexity. For nonnumeric types, mxComplexity will be ignored. For numeric types, pass mxCOMPLEX for the last argument to create a complex matrix; otherwise, the array will be real. All elements are initialized to zero. For cell arrays, all elements are initialized to empty cells.

mwSize num_dimsNumber of dimensions in the array
const mwSize* dimsDimensions of the array
mxClassID mxIDValid mxClassID specifying the type of array to construct. See Work with mxArrays for more information on mxClassID.
mxComplexity cmplxComplexity of the array to create. Valid values are mxREAL and mxCOMPLEX. The default value is mxREAL.

mwArray(const char* str)


Create a 1-by-n array of type mxCHAR_CLASS, with n = strlen(str), and initialize the array's data with the characters in the supplied string.

const char* strNull-terminated character buffer used to initialize the array

mwArray(mwSize num_strings, const char** str)


Create a matrix of type mxCHAR_CLASS, and initialize the array's data with the characters in the supplied strings. The created array has dimensions m-by-max, where m is the number of strings and max is the length of the longest string in str.

mwSize num_stringsNumber of strings in the input array
const char** strArray of null-terminated strings

mwArray(mwSize num_rows, mwSize num_cols, int num_fields, const char** fieldnames)


Create a matrix of type mxSTRUCT_CLASS, with the specified field names. All elements are initialized with empty cells.

mwSize num_rowsNumber of rows in the array
mwSize num_colsNumber of columns in the array
int num_fieldsNumber of fields in the struct matrix.
const char** fieldnamesArray of null-terminated strings representing the field names

mwArray(mwSize num_dims, const mwSize* dims, int num_fields, const char** fieldnames)


Create an n-dimensional array of type mxSTRUCT_CLASS, with the specified field names. All elements are initialized with empty cells.

mwSize num_dimsNumber of dimensions in the array
const mwSize* dimsDimensions of the array
int num_fieldsNumber of fields in the struct matrix.
const char** fieldnamesArray of null-terminated strings representing the field names

mwArray(const mwArray& arr)


Create a deep copy of an existing array.

mwArray& arrmwArray to copy

mwArray(<type> re)


Create a real scalar array.

The scalar array is created with the type of the input argument.

<type> reScalar value to initialize the array. <type> can be any of the following:
  • mxDouble

  • mxSingle

  • mxInt8

  • mxUint8

  • mxInt16

  • mxUint16

  • mxInt32

  • mxUint32

  • mxInt64

  • mxUint64

  • mxLogical

mwArray(<type> re, <type> im)


Create a complex scalar array.

The scalar array is created with the type of the input argument.

<type> reScalar value to initialize the real part of the array
<type> imScalar value to initialize the imaginary part of the array

<type> can be any of the following:

  • mxDouble

  • mxSingle

  • mxInt8

  • mxUint8

  • mxInt16

  • mxUint16

  • mxInt32

  • mxUint32

  • mxInt64

  • mxUint64

  • mxLogical


mwArray Clone() const


Create a new array representing deep copy of array.

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mwArray b = a.Clone();

mwArray SharedCopy() const


Create a shared copy of an existing array. The new array and the original array both point to the same data.

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mwArray b = a.SharedCopy();

mwArray Serialize() const


Serialize an array into bytes. A 1-by-n numeric matrix of type mxUINT8_CLASS is returned containing the serialized data. The data can be deserialized back into the original representation by calling mwArray::Deserialize().

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mwArray b = a.Serialize();

mxClassID ClassID() const


Determine the type of the array. See Work with mxArrays for more information on mxClassID.

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mxClassID id = a.ClassID();

size_t ElementSize() const


Determine the size, in bytes, of an element of array type. If the array is complex, the return value will represent the size, in bytes, of the real part of an element.

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
int size = a.ElementSize();

mwSize NumberOfElements() const


Determine the total size of the array.

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
int n = a.NumberOfElements();

mwSize NumberOfNonZeros() const


Determine the size of the array's data. If the underlying array is not sparse, this returns the same value as NumberOfElements().

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
int n = a.NumberOfNonZeros();

mwSize MaximumNonZeros() const


Determine the allocated size of the array's data. If the underlying array is not sparse, this returns the same value as NumberOfElements().

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
int n = a.MaximumNonZeros();

mwSize NumberOfDimensions() const


Determine the dimensionality of the array.

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
int n = a.NumberOfDimensions();

int NumberOfFields() const


Determine the number of fields in a struct array. If the underlying array is not of type struct, zero is returned.

const char* fields[] = {"a", "b", "c"};
mwArray a(2, 2, 3, fields);
int n = a.NumberOfFields();

mwString GetFieldName(int index)


Determine the name of a given field in a struct array. If the underlying array is not of type struct, an exception is thrown.

int indexIndex of the field to name. Indexing starts at zero.
const char* fields[] = {"a", "b", "c"};
mwArray a(2, 2, 3, fields);
mwString tempname = a.GetFieldName(1);
const char* name = (const char*)tempname;

mwArray GetDimensions() const


Determine the size of each dimension in the array. The size of the returned array is 1-by-NumberOfDimensions().

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mwArray dims = a.GetDimensions();

bool IsEmpty() const


Determine if an array is empty.

mwArray a;
bool b = a.IsEmpty();

bool IsSparse() const


Determine if an array is sparse.

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
bool b = a.IsSparse();

bool IsNumeric() const


Determine if an array is numeric.

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
bool b = a.IsNumeric();

bool IsComplex() const


Determine if an array is complex.

mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX);
bool b = a.IsComplex();

bool Equals(const mwArray& arr) const


Returns true if the input array is byte-wise equal to this array. This method makes a byte-wise comparison of the underlying arrays. Therefore, arrays of the same type should be compared. Arrays of different types will not in general be equal, even if they are initialized with the same data.

mwArray& arrArray to compare to array.
mwArray a(1, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mwArray b(1, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
a = 1.0;
b = 1.0;
bool c = a.Equals(b);

int CompareTo(const mwArray& arr) const


Compares this array with the specified array for order. This method makes a byte-wise comparison of the underlying arrays. Therefore, arrays of the same type should be compared. Arrays of different types will, in general, not be ordered equivalently, even if they are initialized with the same data.

mwArray& arrArray to compare to array.
mwArray a(1, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mwArray b(1, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
a = 1.0;
b = 1.0;
int n = a.CompareTo(b);

int HashCode() const


Constructs a unique hash value from the underlying bytes in the array. Therefore, arrays of different types will have different hash codes, even if they are initialized with the same data.

mwArray a(1, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
int n = a.HashCode();

mwString ToString() const


Returns a string representation of the underlying array. The string returned is the same one that is returned by typing a variable's name at the MATLAB command prompt.

mwArray a(1, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX);
a.Real() = 1.0;
a.Imag() = 2.0;
printf("%s\n", (const char*)(a.ToString()));

mwArray RowIndex() const


Returns an array representing the row indices (first dimension) of the elements of this array in column-major order. For sparse arrays, the indices are returned for just the non-zero elements and the size of the array returned is 1-by-NumberOfNonZeros(). For nonsparse arrays, the size of the array returned is 1-by-NumberOfElements(), and the row indices of all of the elements are returned.

#include <stdio.h>
mwArray a(1, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mwArray rows = a.RowIndex();

mwArray ColumnIndex() const


Returns an array representing the column indices (second dimension) of the elements of this array in column-major order. For sparse arrays, the indices are returned for just the non-zero elements and the size of the array returned is 1-by-NumberOfNonZeros(). For nonsparse arrays, the size of the array returned is 1-by-NumberOfElements(), and the column indices of all of the elements are returned.

mwArray a(1, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mwArray rows = a.ColumnIndex();

void MakeComplex()


Convert a numeric array that has been previously allocated as real to complex. If the underlying array is of a nonnumeric type, an mwException is thrown.

double rdata[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double idata[4] = {10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0};
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
a.SetData(rdata, 4);
a.Imag().SetData(idata, 4);

mwArray Get(mwSize num_indices, ...)


Fetches a single element at a specified index. The number of indices is passed, followed by a comma-separated list of 1-based indices. The valid number of indices that can be passed in is either 1 (single subscript indexing) or NumberOfDimensions() (multiple subscript indexing). In single subscript indexing the element at the specified 1-based offset is returned, accessing data in column-major order. In multiple subscript indexing the index list is used to access the specified element. The valid range for indices is 1 <= index <= NumberOfElements(), for single subscript indexing. For multiple subscript indexing, the ith index has the valid range: 1 <= index[i] <= GetDimensions().Get(1, i). An mwException is thrown if an invalid number of indices is passed in or if any index is out of bounds.

mwSize num_indicesNumber of indices passed in
...Comma-separated list of input indices. Number of items must equal num_indices but should not exceed 32.
double data[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double x;
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
a.SetData(data, 4);
x = a.Get(1,1);
x = a.Get(2, 1, 2);
x = a.Get(2, 2, 2);

mwArray Get(const char* name, mwSize num_indices, ...)


Fetches a single element at a specified field name and index. This method may only be called on an array that is of type mxSTRUCT_CLASS. An mwException is thrown if the underlying array is not a struct array. The field name passed must be a valid field name in the struct array. The index is passed by first passing the number of indices followed by a comma-separated list of 1-based indices. The valid number of indices that can be passed in is either 1 (single subscript indexing) or NumberOfDimensions() (multiple subscript indexing). In single subscript indexing the element at the specified 1-based offset is returned, accessing data in column-wise order. In multiple subscript indexing the index list is used to access the specified element. The valid range for indices is 1 <= index <= NumberOfElements(), for single subscript indexing. For multiple subscript indexing, the ith index has the valid range: 1 <= index[i] <= GetDimensions().Get(1, i). An mwException is thrown if an invalid number of indices is passed in or if any index is out of bounds.

char* nameNull-terminated character buffer containing the name of the field
mwSize num_indicesNumber of indices passed in
...Comma-separated list of input indices. Number of items must equal num_indices but should not exceed 32.
const char* fields[] = {"a", "b", "c"};

mwArray a(1, 1, 3, fields);
mwArray b = a.Get("a", 1, 1);
mwArray b = a.Get("b", 2, 1, 1);

mwArray Real()


Accesses the real part of a complex array. The returned mwArray is considered real and has the same dimensionality and type as the original.

Complex arrays consist of Complex numbers, which are 1-by-2 vectors (pairs). For example, if the number is 3+5i, then the pair is (3,5i). An array of Complex numbers is therefore two dimensional (N-by-2), where N is the number of complex numbers in the array. 2+4i, 7-3i, 8+6i would be represented as (2,4i) (7,3i) (8,6i). Complex numbers have two components, real and imaginary.

double rdata[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double idata[4] = {10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0};
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX);
a.Real().SetData(rdata, 4);

mwArray Imag()


Accesses the imaginary part of a complex array. The returned mwArray is considered real and has the same dimensionality and type as the original.

Complex arrays consist of Complex numbers, which are 1-by-2 vectors (pairs). For example, if the number is 3+5i, then the pair is (3,5i). An array of Complex numbers is therefore two dimensional (N-by-2), where N is the number of complex numbers in the array. 2+4i, 7-3i, 8+6i would be represented as (2,4i) (7,3i) (8,6i). Complex numbers have two components, real and imaginary.

double rdata[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double idata[4] = {10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0};
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX);
a.Imag().SetData(idata, 4);

void Set(const mwArray& arr)


Assign shared copy of input array to currently referenced cell for arrays of type mxCELL_CLASS and mxSTRUCT_CLASS.

mwArray& arrmwArray to assign to currently referenced cell
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
mwArray b(2, 2, mxINT16_CLASS);
mwArray c(1, 2, mxCELL_CLASS);

void GetData(<numeric-type>* buffer, mwSize len) const


Copies the array's data into supplied numeric buffer.

The data is copied in column-major order. If the underlying array is not of the same type as the input buffer, the data is converted to this type as it is copied. If a conversion cannot be made, an mwException is thrown.

<numeric-type>* bufferBuffer to receive copy. Valid types for <numeric-type> are:


  • mxINT8_CLASS


  • mxINT16_CLASS

  • mxUINT16_CLASS

  • mxINT32_CLASS

  • mxUINT32_CLASS

  • mxINT64_CLASS

  • mxUINT64_CLASS

mwSize lenMaximum length of buffer. A maximum of len elements will be copied.
double rdata[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double data_copy[4] ;
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
a.SetData(rdata, 4);
a.GetData(data_copy, 4);

void GetLogicalData(mxLogical* buffer, mwSize len) const


Copies the array's data into supplied mxLogical buffer.

The data is copied in column-major order. If the underlying array is not of type mxLOGICAL_CLASS, the data is converted to this type as it is copied. If a conversion cannot be made, an mwException is thrown.

mxLogical* bufferBuffer to receive copy
mwSize lenMaximum length of buffer. A maximum of len elements will be copied.
mxLogical data[4] = {true, false, true, false};
mxLogical data_copy[4] ;
mwArray a(2, 2, mxLOGICAL_CLASS);
a.SetLogicalData(data, 4);
a.GetLogicalData(data_copy, 4);

void GetCharData(mxChar* buffer, mwSize len) const


Copies the array's data into supplied mxChar buffer.

The data is copied in column-major order. If the underlying array is not of type mxCHAR_CLASS, the data is converted to this type as it is copied. If a conversion cannot be made, an mwException is thrown.

mxChar** bufferBuffer to receive copy
mwSize lenMaximum length of buffer. A maximum of len elements will be copied.
mxChar data[6] = {'H', 'e' , `l' , 'l' , 'o' , '\0'};
mxChar data_copy[6] ;
mwArray a(1, 6, mxCHAR_CLASS);
a.SetCharData(data, 6);
a.GetCharData(data_copy, 6);

void SetData(<numeric-type>* buffer, mwSize len)


Copies the data from supplied numeric buffer into the array.

The data is copied in column-major order. If the underlying array is not of the same type as the input buffer, the data is converted to this type as it is copied. If a conversion cannot be made, an mwException is thrown.

You cannot use SetData to dynamically resize an mwArray.

<numeric-type>* bufferBuffer containing data to copy. Valid types for <numeric-type> are:


  • mxINT8_CLASS


  • mxINT16_CLASS

  • mxUINT16_CLASS

  • mxINT32_CLASS

  • mxUINT32_CLASS

  • mxINT64_CLASS

  • mxUINT64_CLASS

mwSize lenMaximum length of buffer. A maximum of len elements will be copied.
double rdata[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double data_copy[4] ;
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
a.SetData(rdata, 4);
a.GetData(data_copy, 4);

void SetLogicalData(mxLogical* buffer, mwSize len)


Copies the data from the supplied mxLogical buffer into the array.

The data is copied in column-major order. If the underlying array is not of type mxLOGICAL_CLASS, the data is converted to this type as it is copied. If a conversion cannot be made, an mwException is thrown.

mxLogical* bufferBuffer containing data to copy
mwSize lenMaximum length of buffer. A maximum of len elements will be copied.
mxLogical data[4] = {true, false, true, false};
mxLogical data_copy[4] ;
mwArray a(2, 2, mxLOGICAL_CLASS);
a.SetLogicalData(data, 4);
a.GetLogicalData(data_copy, 4);

void SetCharData(mxChar* buffer, mwSize len)


Copies the data from the supplied mxChar buffer into the array.

The data is copied in column-major order. If the underlying array is not of type mxCHAR_CLASS, the data is converted to this type as it is copied. If a conversion cannot be made, an mwException is thrown.

mxChar** bufferBuffer containing data to copy
mwSize lenMaximum length of buffer. A maximum of len elements will be copied.
mxChar data[6] = {'H', 'e' , `l' , 'l' , 'o' , '\0'};
mxChar data_copy[6] ;
mwArray a(1, 6, mxCHAR_CLASS);
a.SetCharData(data, 6);
a.GetCharData(data_copy, 6);

static mwArray Deserialize(const mwArray& arr)


Deserializes an array that has been serialized with mwArray::Serialize(). The input array must be of type mxUINT8_CLASS and contain the data from a serialized array. If the input data does not represent a serialized mwArray, the behavior of this method is undefined.

mwArray& arrmwArray that has been obtained by calling mwArray::Serialize
double rdata[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
mwArray a(1,4,mxDOUBLE_CLASS); 
a.SetData(rdata, 4);
mwArray b = a.Serialize();
a = mwArray::Deserialize(b);

static mwArray NewSparse(mwSize rowindex_size, const mwIndex* rowindex, mwSize colindex_size, const mwIndex* colindex, mwSize data_size, const mxDouble* rdata, mwSize num_rows, mwSize num_cols, mwSize nzmax)


Creates real sparse matrix of type double with specified number of rows and columns.

The lengths of input row, column index, and data arrays must all be the same or equal to 1. In the case where any of these arrays are equal to 1, the value is repeated throughout the construction of the matrix.

If the same row/column pair occurs more than once, the data value assigned to that element is the sum of all values associated with that pair. If any element of the rowindex or colindex array is greater than the specified values in num_rows or num_cols respectively, an exception is thrown.

mwSize rowindex_sizeSize of rowindex array
mwIndex* rowindexArray of row indices of non-zero elements
mwSize colindex_sizeSize of colindex array
mwIndex* colindexArray of column indices of non-zero elements
mwSize data_sizeSize of data array
mxDouble* rdataData associated with non-zero row and column indices
mwSize num_rowsNumber of rows in matrix
mwSize num_colsNumber of columns in matrix
mwSize nzmaxReserved storage for sparse matrix. If nzmax is zero, storage will be set to max{rowindex_size, colindex_size, data_size}.

This example constructs a sparse 4-by-4 tridiagonal matrix:

2 -1  0  0
-1  2 -1  0
0 -1  2 -1
0  0 -1  2

The following code, when run:

double rdata[]        = 
           {2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 
            -1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0};
mwIndex row_tridiag[] = 
           {1,    2,    1,   2,    3,
            2,   3,    4,    3,   4  };
mwIndex col_tridiag[] = 
           {1,    1,    2,   2,    2, 
              3,   3,    3,    4,   4  };

mwArray mysparse = 
           mwArray::NewSparse(10, row_tridiag, 
                              10, col_tridiag, 
                              10, rdata, 4, 4, 10);
std::cout << mysparse << std::endl;

will display the following output to the screen:

 (1,1)        2
 (2,1)       -1
 (1,2)       -1
 (2,2)        2
 (3,2)       -1
 (2,3)       -1
 (3,3)        2
 (4,3)       -1
 (3,4)       -1
 (4,4)        2

static mwArray NewSparse(mwSize rowindex_size, const mwIndex* rowindex, mwSize colindex_size, const mwIndex* colindex, mwSize data_size, const mxDouble* rdata, mwSize nzmax)


Creates real sparse matrix of type double with number of rows and columns inferred from input data.

The lengths of input row and column index and data arrays must all be the same or equal to 1. In the case where any of these arrays are equal to 1, the value is repeated through out the construction of the matrix.

If the same row/column pair occurs more than once, the data value assigned to that element is the sum of all values associated with that pair. The number of rows and columns in the created matrix are calculated from the input rowindex and colindex arrays as num_rows = max{rowindex}, num_cols = max{colindex}.

mwSize rowindex_sizeSize of rowindex array
mwIndex* rowindexArray of row indices of non-zero elements
mwSize colindex_sizeSize of colindex array
mwIndex* colindexArray of column indices of non-zero elements
mwSize data_sizeSize of data array
mxDouble* rdataData associated with non-zero row and column indices
mwSize nzmaxReserved storage for sparse matrix. If nzmax is zero, storage will be set to max{rowindex_size, colindex_size, data_size}.

In this example, we construct a sparse 4-by-4 identity matrix. The value of 1.0 is copied to each non-zero element defined by row and column index arrays:

double one = 1.0;
mwIndex row_diag[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
mwIndex col_diag[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};

mwArray mysparse = 
  mwArray::NewSparse(4, row_diag, 
                     4, col_diag, 
                     1, &one, 
std::cout << mysparse << std::endl;

(1,1)        1
(2,2)        1
(3,3)        1
(4,4)        1

static mwArray NewSparse(mwSize rowindex_size, const mwIndex* rowindex, mwSize colindex_size, const mwIndex* colindex, mwSize data_size, const mxDouble* rdata, const mxDouble* idata, mwSize num_rows, mwSize num_cols, mwSize nzmax)


Creates complex sparse matrix of type double with specified number of rows and columns.

The lengths of input row and column index and data arrays must all be the same or equal to 1. In the case where any of these arrays are equal to 1, the value is repeated through out the construction of the matrix.

If the same row/column pair occurs more than once, the data value assigned to that element is the sum of all values associated with that pair. If any element of the rowindex or colindex array is greater than the specified values in num_rows, num_cols, respectively, then an exception is thrown.

mwSize rowindex_sizeSize of rowindex array
mwIndex* rowindexArray of row indices of non-zero elements
mwSize colindex_sizeSize of colindex array
mwIndex* colindexArray of column indices of non-zero elements
mwSize data_sizeSize of data array
mxDouble* rdataReal part of data associated with non-zero row and column indices
mxDouble* idataImaginary part of data associated with non-zero row and column indices
mwSize num_rowsNumber of rows in matrix
mwSize num_colsNumber of columns in matrix
mwSize nzmaxReserved storage for sparse matrix. If nzmax is zero, storage will be set to max{rowindex_size, colindex_size, data_size}.

This example constructs a complex tridiagonal matrix:

double rdata[] = 
  {2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0};
double idata[] = 
  {20.0, -10.0, -10.0, 20.0, -10.0, -10.0, 20.0, -10.0, 
                                              -10.0, 20.0};
mwIndex row_tridiag[] = 
  {1,    2,    1,   2,    3,    2,   3,    4,    3,   4};
mwIndex col_tridiag[] =
  {1,    1,    2,   2,    2,    3,   3,    3,    4,   4};

mwArray mysparse = mwArray::NewSparse(10, row_tridiag, 
                                      10, col_tridiag, 
                                      10, rdata, 
                                      idata, 4, 4, 10);
std::cout << mysparse << std::endl;

It displays the following output to the screen:

(1,1)      2.0000 +20.0000i
(2,1)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(1,2)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(2,2)      2.0000 +20.0000i
(3,2)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(2,3)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(3,3)      2.0000 +20.0000i
(4,3)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(3,4)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(4,4)      2.0000 +20.0000i

static mwArray NewSparse(mwSize rowindex_size, const mwIndex* rowindex, mwSize colindex_size, const mwIndex* colindex, mwSize data_size, const mxDouble* rdata, const mxDouble* idata, mwSize nzmax)


Creates complex sparse matrix of type double with number of rows and columns inferred from input data.

The lengths of input row and column index and data arrays must all be the same or equal to 1. In the case where any of these arrays are equal to 1, the value is repeated through out the construction of the matrix.

If the same row/column pair occurs more than once, the data value assigned to that element is the sum of all values associated with that pair. The number of rows and columns in the created matrix are calculated form the input rowindex and colindex arrays as num_rows = max{rowindex}, num_cols = max{colindex}.

mwSize rowindex_sizeSize of rowindex array
mwIndex* rowindexArray of row indices of non-zero elements
mwSize colindex_sizeSize of colindex array
mwIndex* colindexArray of column indices of non-zero elements
mwSize data_sizeSize of data array
mxDouble* rdataReal part of data associated with non-zero row and column indices
mxDouble* idataImaginary part of data associated with non-zero row and column indices
mwSize nzmaxReserved storage for sparse matrix. If nzmax is zero, storage will be set to max{rowindex_size, colindex_size, data_size}.

This example constructs a complex matrix by inferring dimensions and storage allocation from the input data.

mwArray mysparse = 
   mwArray::NewSparse(10, row_tridiag, 
                      10, col_tridiag,
                      10, rdata, idata, 
std::cout << mysparse << std::endl;

(1,1)      2.0000 +20.0000i
(2,1)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(1,2)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(2,2)      2.0000 +20.0000i
(3,2)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(2,3)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(3,3)      2.0000 +20.0000i
(4,3)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(3,4)     -1.0000 -10.0000i
(4,4)      2.0000 +20.0000i

static mwArray NewSparse(mwSize rowindex_size, const mwIndex* rowindex, mwSize colindex_size, const mwIndex* colindex, mwSize data_size, const mxLogical* rdata, mwSize num_rows, mwSize num_cols, mwSize nzmax)


Creates logical sparse matrix with specified number of rows and columns.

The lengths of input row and column index and data arrays must all be the same or equal to 1. In the case where any of these arrays are equal to 1, the value is repeated throughout the construction of the matrix.

If the same row/column pair occurs more than once, the data value assigned to that element is the sum of all values associated with that pair. If any element of the rowindex or colindex array is greater than the specified values in num_rows, num_cols, respectively, then an exception is thrown.

mwSize rowindex_sizeSize of rowindex array
mwIndex* rowindexArray of row indices of non-zero elements
mwSize colindex_sizeSize of colindex array
mwIndex* colindexArray of column indices of non-zero elements
mwSize data_sizeSize of data array
mxLogical* rdataData associated with non-zero row and column indices
mwSize num_rowsNumber of rows in matrix
mwSize num_colsNumber of columns in matrix
mwSize nzmaxReserved storage for sparse matrix. If nzmax is zero, storage will be set to max{rowindex_size, colindex_size, data_size}.

This example creates a sparse logical 4-by-4 tridiagonal matrix, assigning true to each non-zero value:

mxLogical one = true;
mwIndex row_tridiag[] = 
      {1,    2,    1,   2,    3,    
       2,   3,    4,    3,   4};
mwIndex col_tridiag[] = 
      {1,    1,    2,   2,    2,    
       3,   3,    3,    4,   4};

mwArray mysparse = 
      mwArray::NewSparse(10, row_tridiag,
                         10, col_tridiag, 
                          1, &one, 
                          4, 4, 10);
std::cout << mysparse << std::endl;

(1,1)        1
(2,1)        1
(1,2)        1
(2,2)        1
(3,2)        1
(2,3)        1
(3,3)        1
(4,3)        1
(3,4)        1
(4,4)        1

static mwArray NewSparse(mwSize rowindex_size, const mwIndex* rowindex, mwSize colindex_size, const mwIndex* colindex, mwSize data_size, const mxLogical* rdata, mwSize nzmax)


Creates logical sparse matrix with number of rows and columns inferred from input data.

The lengths of input row and column index and data arrays must all be the same or equal to 1. In the case where any of these arrays are equal to 1, the value is repeated through out the construction of the matrix.

The number of rows and columns in the created matrix are calculated form the input rowindex and colindex arrays as num_rows = max {rowindex}, num_cols = max {colindex}.

mwSize rowindex_sizeSize of rowindex array
mwIndex* rowindexArray of row indices of non-zero elements
mwSize colindex_sizeSize of colindex array
mwIndex* colindexArray of column indices of non-zero elements
mwSize data_sizeSize of data array
mxLogical* rdataData associated with non-zero row and column indices
mwSize nzmaxReserved storage for sparse matrix. If nzmax is zero, storage will be set to max{rowindex_size, colindex_size, data_size}.

This example uses the data from the first example, but allows the number of rows, number of columns, and allocated storage to be calculated from the input data:

mwArray mysparse = 
    mwArray::NewSparse(10, row_tridiag, 
                       10, col_tridiag, 
                       1, &one, 
std::cout << mysparse << std::endl;

(1,1)        1
(2,1)        1
(1,2)        1
(2,2)        1
(3,2)        1
(2,3)        1
(3,3)        1
(4,3)        1
(3,4)        1
(4,4)        1

static mwArray NewSparse (mwSize num_rows, mwSize num_cols, mwSize nzmax, mxClassID mxID, mxComplexity cmplx = mxREAL)


Creates an empty sparse matrix. All elements in an empty sparse matrix are initially zero, and the amount of allocated storage for non-zero elements is specified by nzmax.

mwSize num_rowsNumber of rows in matrix
mwSize num_colsNumber of columns in matrix
mwSize nzmaxReserved storage for sparse matrix
mxClassID mxIDType of data to store in matrix. Currently, sparse matrices of type double precision and logical are supported. Pass mxDOUBLE_CLASS to create a double precision sparse matrix. Pass mxLOGICAL_CLASS to create a logical sparse matrix.
mxComplexity cmplxComplexity of matrix. Pass mxCOMPLEX to create a complex sparse matrix and mxREAL to create a real sparse matrix. This argument may be omitted, in which case the default complexity is real

This example constructs a real 3-by-3 empty sparse matrix of type double with reserved storage for 4 non-zero elements:

mwArray mysparse = mwArray::NewSparse
                (3, 3, 4, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
std::cout << mysparse << std::endl;

All zero sparse: 3-by-3

static double GetNaN()


Get value of NaN (Not-a-Number).

Call mwArray::GetNaN to return the value of NaN for your system. NaN is the IEEE arithmetic representation for Not-a-Number. Certain mathematical operations return NaN as a result, for example:

  • 0.0/0.0

  • Inf-Inf

The value of NaN is built in to the system; you cannot modify it.

double x = mwArray::GetNaN();

static double GetEps()


Returns the value of the MATLAB eps variable. This variable is the distance from 1.0 to the next largest floating-point number. Consequently, it is a measure of floating-point accuracy. The MATLAB pinv and rank functions use eps as a default tolerance.

double x = mwArray::GetEps();

static double GetInf()


Returns the value of the MATLAB internal Inf variable. Inf is a permanent variable representing IEEE arithmetic positive infinity. The value of Inf is built into the system; you cannot modify it.

Operations that return Inf include

  • Division by 0. For example, 5/0 returns Inf.

  • Operations resulting in overflow. For example, exp(10000) returns Inf because the result is too large to be represented on your machine.

double x = mwArray::GetInf();

static bool IsFinite(double x)


Determine whether or not a value is finite. A number is finite if it is greater than -Inf and less than Inf.

double xValue to test for finiteness
bool x = mwArray::IsFinite(1.0);

static bool IsInf(double x)


Determines whether or not a value is equal to infinity or minus infinity. MATLAB stores the value of infinity in a permanent variable named Inf, which represents IEEE arithmetic positive infinity. The value of the variable, Inf, is built into the system; you cannot modify it.

Operations that return infinity include

  • Division by 0. For example, 5/0 returns infinity.

  • Operations resulting in overflow. For example, exp(10000) returns infinity because the result is too large to be represented on your machine. If the value equals NaN (Not-a-Number), then mxIsInf returns false. In other words, NaN is not equal to infinity.

double xValue to test for infiniteness
bool x = mwArray::IsInf(1.0);

static bool IsNaN(double x)


Determines whether or not the value is NaN. NaN is the IEEE arithmetic representation for Not-a-Number. NaN is obtained as a result of mathematically undefined operations such as

  • 0.0/0.0

  • Inf-Inf

The system understands a family of bit patterns as representing NaN. In other words, NaN is not a single value, rather it is a family of numbers that the MATLAB software (and other IEEE-compliant applications) use to represent an error condition or missing data.

double xValue to test for NaN
bool x = mwArray::IsNaN(1.0);


mwArray operator()(mwIndex i1, mwIndex i2, mwIndex i3, ..., )


Fetches a single element at a specified index. The index is passed as a comma-separated list of 1-based indices. This operator is overloaded to support 1 through 32 indices. The valid number of indices that can be passed in is either 1 (single subscript indexing) or NumberOfDimensions() (multiple subscript indexing). In single subscript indexing the element at the specified 1-based offset is returned, accessing data in column-wise order. In multiple subscript indexing the index list is used to access the specified element. The valid range for indices is 1 <= index <= NumberOfElements(), for single subscript indexing. For multiple subscript indexing, the ith index has the valid range: 1 <= index[i] <= GetDimensions().Get(1, i). An mwException is thrown if an invalid number of indices is passed in or if any index is out of bounds.

mwIndex i1, mwIndex i2, mwIndex i3, ...,Comma-separated list of input indices
double data[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double x;
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
a.SetData(data, 4);
x = a(1,1);
x = a(1,2);
x = a(2,2);

mwArray operator()(const char* name, mwIndex i1, mwIndex i2, mwIndex i3, ..., )


Fetches a single element at a specified field name and index. This method may only be called on an array that is of type mxSTRUCT_CLASS. An mwException is thrown if the underlying array is not a struct array. The field name passed must be a valid field name in the struct array. The index is passed by first passing the number of indices, followed by an array of 1-based indices. This operator is overloaded to support 1 through 32 indices. The valid number of indices that can be passed in is either 1 (single subscript indexing) or NumberOfDimensions() (multiple subscript indexing). In single subscript indexing the element at the specified 1-based offset is returned, accessing data in column-wise order. In multiple subscript indexing the index list is used to access the specified element. The valid range for indices is 1 <= index <= NumberOfElements(), for single subscript indexing. For multiple subscript indexing, the ith index has the valid range: 1 <= index[i] <= GetDimensions().Get(1, i). An mwException is thrown if an invalid number of indices is passed in or if any index is out of bounds.

char* nameNull terminated string containing the field name to get
mwIndex i1, mwIndex i2, mwIndex i3, ...,Comma-separated list of input indices
const char* fields[] = {"a", "b", "c"};
int index[2] = {1, 1};
mwArray a(1, 1, 3, fields);
mwArray b = a("a", 1, 1);
mwArray b = a("b", 1, 1);

mwArray& operator=(const <type>& x)


Sets a single scalar value. This operator is overloaded for all numeric and logical types.

const <type>& xValue to assign
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
a(1,1) = 1.0;
a(1,2) = 2.0;
a(2,1) = 3.0;
a(2,2) = 4.0;

const mwArray operator()(mwIndex i1, mwIndex i2, mwIndex i3, ..., ) const


Fetches a single scalar value. This operator is overloaded for all numeric and logical types.

mwIndex i1, mwIndex i2, mwIndex i3, ...,Comma-separated list of input indices
double data[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double x;
mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
a.SetData(data, 4);
x = (double)a(1,1);
x = (double)a(1,2);
x = (double)a(2,1);
x = (double)a(2,2);

std::ostream::operator<<(const mwArray &)


Write mwArray to output stream. The output has the same format as the output when a variable's name is typed at the MATLAB command prompt. See ToString().

Version History

Introduced in R2013b

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