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Columnar Database

Explore data in wide column database using Apache® Cassandra® database C++ interface

Database Toolbox™ enables you to connect to an Apache Cassandra database, which is a wide column database, using the Apache Cassandra database C++ interface. After creating a Cassandra database connection, you can explore the database structure. Import data stored in Cassandra database tables into MATLAB® from different partitions of the database tables. Execute queries using the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) and import the results into MATLAB. Also, you can export data from MATLAB into Cassandra database tables.


connectionApache Cassandra database connection (Since R2021a)
CassandraConnectionOptionsApache Cassandra database connection options (Since R2021a)


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setoptionsSet Apache Cassandra database connection options (Since R2021a)
testConnectionTest Apache Cassandra database connection (Since R2021a)
resetReset Apache Cassandra database connection options to defaults (Since R2021a)
saveAsDataSourceSave Apache Cassandra data source (Since R2021a)
apacheCassandraCreate Apache Cassandra database connection (Since R2021a)
closeClose Apache Cassandra database connection (Since R2021a)
isopenDetermine if Apache Cassandra database connection is open (Since R2021a)
columninfoRetrieve column information from Apache Cassandra database table (Since R2021a)
partitionReadImport data from partitions of Apache Cassandra database table (Since R2021a)
tablenamesList names of database tables in Apache Cassandra database (Since R2021a)
upsertInsert or update data in Apache Cassandra database (Since R2021a)
executecqlExecute CQL query on Apache Cassandra database (Since R2021a)


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