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PostgreSQL ODBC Driver for Database Toolbox Support Package

The PostgreSQL ODBC driver is for connecting to a PostgreSQL server and is available as a PostgreSQL ANSI(x64) or a PostgreSQL Unicode(x64) driver. On the Microsoft® Windows® platform, you install the driver as the PostgreSQL ODBC 15.0 driver. You can install this driver from the PostgreSQL ODBC Driver for Database Toolbox™ Support Package.


Follow these steps to install the PostgreSQL ODBC driver.

  1. On the Home tab of the MATLAB® toolstrip, in the Environment section, select Add-Ons > Get Add-Ons.

  2. In the Add-On Explorer, search for PostgreSQL ODBC Driver for Database Toolbox.

  3. Select the support package and then click Install.

The installer downloads and installs the PostgreSQL ODBC driver. For more information about this driver, see PostgreSQL ODBC Driver.

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