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Compute the Variance

Compute the variance of a 3-by-2 matrix input dsp_examples_u using the Variance block.

Open and run the model. In the Variance block dialog, set the Find the variance value over parameter to Each column.

The Variance block processes the input as a two-channel signal with a frame size of three, and outputs the variance value over each frame of data along both the channels.

Data Input
     6     1
     1     3
     3     9
    -7     2
     2     4
     5     1
     8     6
     0     2
    -1     5
    -3     0
     2     4
     1    17

Variance Values
    6.3333   17.3333
   39.0000    2.3333
   24.3333    4.3333
    7.0000   79.0000
         0         0
         0         0

See Also


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