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Configure a Model for ARM Cortex-Mx Processor

Configure a Simulink® model, build an executable, and run the executable on ARM® Cortex®-M3/M4/M55/M7 processor.

  1. Open an existing Simulink model, such as arm_cortex_m_gettingstarted, or create a new model.

  2. Create a working copy of your Simulink model using File > Save As. Keep the original model as a backup copy.

  3. Open the Modeling tab and press CTRL+E to open the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

  4. Go to Hardware Implementation > Hardware Board and select ARM Cortex-M3 (QEMU) or ARM Cortex-M4 (MPS2) or ARM Cortex-M55 (MPS3) or ARM Cortex-M7 (MPS2)

  5. To execute the generated code using the QEMU emulator, requires you to install Embedded Coder® Interface to QEMU emulator add-on. If you have not installed, only code generation is supported.

    Ensure that you select the Generate Code Only option in Configuration Parameters > Code generation > Build process category.

  6. Click Apply to save the changes to your model.


Rapid Accelerator simulation is not supported by Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-M Processors.

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