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Supported Features for ARM Cortex-M Processors
With the Embedded Coder® Support Package for ARM Cortex-M Processors, you can:
Build, download, and run an executable on a QEMU emulator for the ARM® Cortex®-M3, M4, M55 and M7 processors (Build and Run Executable on ARM Cortex-Mx processor)
Reference other models using Model blocks (Referenced Models)
Verify numerical accuracy using processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation over a TCP/IP connection (Verify Numerical Accuracy using Processor-in-The-Loop (PIL))
Perform PIL-based execution profiling (Create Execution-Time Profile for Generated Code)
Optimize code with the CMSIS code-replacement library for ARM Cortex-M3, M4, M55 and M7 processors (Optimize Code for ARM Cortex-M Processors)