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Customize C/C++ File Names Generated from MATLAB Code

If you have Embedded Coder®, you can customize the file names of the C/C++ code generated from MATLAB® code. By changing the file names, you can avoid name clashes when integrating different C/C++ code projects together. Customize the file names by setting the file name format parameter CustomFileNameStr to a macro. The macro can include:

  • Valid file name characters.

  • The tokens listed in the following table. $M and $N are required.


Code generator inserts name mangling text to avoid naming collisions.



Code generator inserts the non-customized file name.



Code generator inserts the root project name into the file name, replacing unsupported characters with the underscore (_) character.

By default, the macro is set to $N$M.

Customize File Names by Using the MATLAB Coder App

  1. On the Generate Code page, to open the Generate dialog box, click the Generate arrow .

  2. Set Build type to one of the following:

    • Source Code

    • Static Library

    • Dynamic Library

    • Executable

  3. Click More Settings.

  4. Enter the macro on the Code Appearance tab, next to Generated source and header files:

For example, suppose you set the macro to the value ec_$N$M. For an entry-point function called foo, when name mangling is not required, the generated file name for foo becomes ec_foo. If name mangling is required, the generated file name includes the name mangling text.

Customize Generated File Names by Using the Command-Line Interface

  1. Create a code generation configuration object for a library or executable program. For example:

    cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);

  2. Specify the file name macro as a character vector in the CustomFileNameStr object property. For example:

    cfg.CustomFileNameStr = 'ec_$N$M';

    For an entry-point function called foo, when name mangling is not required, the generated file name for foo becomes ec_foo. If name mangling is required, the generated file name includes the name mangling text.

See Also

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