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Get Metadata About Service Interface

This example shows how you can use the code descriptor programming interface to retrieve metadata about the code interfaces generated for a model. You can use this metadata to declare and define your target platform service functions.

Use the Embedded Coder Dictionary to create code interface definitions for services that your generated code uses. For more information, see Create a Service Interface Configuration.

In this example, you build code for a model, create a coder.codedescriptor.CodeDescriptor object, and then use the various methods in the code descriptor programming interface.

Open example model ComponentDeploymentFcn. This model uses the shared Embedded Coder Dictionary ComponentDeploymentCoderDictionary.sldd.

model = 'ComponentDeploymentFcn';

To use the code descriptor programming interface, build the model and create a coder.codedescriptor.CodeDescriptor object for the model.

codeDescObj = coder.getCodeDescriptor(model);

Get Service Function Declaration

1. Retrieve the function prototype for a specified service function by using the getServiceFunctionPrototype method. You can locate the name of a service function in the code generation report. To open the report, in the Embedded Coder app, on C Code tab, click the Open Report button. In the report, select the Code Interface Report tab and view the service functions listed under Service Interface section.

serviceFunctionName = 'set_CD_integrator_DataTransfer';
serviceFunctionPrototype = getServiceFunctionPrototype(codeDescObj, ...
serviceFunctionPrototype = 
  Prototype with properties:
          Name: 'set_CD_integrator_DataTransfer'
        Return: [1x1 coder.descriptor.types.Argument]
    HeaderFile: ''
    SourceFile: ''
     Arguments: [1x0 coder.descriptor.types.Argument Sequence]

The code generator returns a coder.descriptor.types.Prototype object.

2. Retrieve the function declaration of the specified service function by using the getServiceFunctionDeclaration method.

serviceFunctionDeclaration = getServiceFunctionDeclaration(codeDescObj, ...
serviceFunctionDeclaration = 
'real_T * set_CD_integrator_DataTransfer(void)'

The code generator returns the function declaration as produced in the generated code. You can use this function declaration to generate your own service header files to ease component code integration with target platform services.

Get Service Interface Information

Retrieve the service interface object, also referred as a code configuration object, by using the getServices method.

serviceObj = codeDescObj.getServices();

The code generator returns a coder.descriptor.ServiceInterface object. Use this object to retrieve metadata about the service interface configuration that you define in the shared Embedded Coder Dictionary.

You can retrieve information of these types of service interface by specifying the corresponding enumerated values as input:

  • Sender and Receiver — coder.descriptor.Services.SenderReceiver

  • Data Transfer — coder.descriptor.Services.DataTransfer

  • Timer — coder.descriptor.Services.Timer

  • Measurement — coder.descriptor.Services.Measurement

  • ParameterTuning — coder.descriptor.Services.ParameterTuning

  • Parameter Argument Tuning coder.desciptor.Services.ParameterArgumentTuning

For example, to retrieve information about the data transfer service interface by using the getServiceInterface method, use these commands:

serviceInterfaceType = coder.descriptor.Services.DataTransfer;
serviceInterfaceTypeObj = getServiceInterface(serviceObj, serviceInterfaceType)
serviceInterfaceTypeObj = 
  DataTransferServiceInterface with properties:
    DataTransferElements: [1x1 coder.descriptor.DataTransferElement Sequence]

The code generator returns a coder.descriptor.DataTransferServiceInterface object. Use this object to further retrieve metadata about coder.descriptor.DataTransferElement and coder.descriptor.DataTransferFunction objects.

Similarly, you can get information for the coder.descriptor.SenderReceiverServiceInterface and coder.descriptor.TimerServiceInterface objects.

Get Service Function Information

Use the various methods of the coder.descriptor.ServiceInterface class to retrieve information about service functions.

  • To retrieve the name of the header file that contains the service interface prototypes, use the getServicesHeaderFileName method. The code generator returns a character vector that represents the header file name.

serviceHeaderFile = getServicesHeaderFileName(serviceObj)
serviceHeaderFile = 
serviceFunctionName = 'set_CD_integrator_DataTransfer';
entryPointFunctions = getCallableFunctionsThatCallServiceFunction(serviceObj, serviceFunctionName)
entryPointFunctions = 1x1 cell array

  • To retrieve a list of service functions that call a specified entry-point function, use the getCalledServiceFunctions method. The code generator returns the coder.descriptor.ServiceFunctions object that contains a representation of the number of service functions of each type present in the generated code.

entryPointFunctionName = 'CD_integrator';
serviceFunctions = getCalledServiceFunctions(serviceObj, entryPointFunctionName)
serviceFunctions = 
  ServiceFunctions with properties:
        ReceiverFunctions: [1x1 StdString Set]
          SenderFunctions: [1x0 StdString Set]
    DataTransferFunctions: [1x1 StdString Set]
           TimerFunctions: [1x1 StdString Set]

  • To retrieve information about the data communication method, as specified in the Embedded Coder Dictionary, for a specified service function, use the getServiceDataCommMethod method. The code generator returns an enumerated value of type DataCommunicationMethodEnum.

serviceFunctionName = 'get_CD_accumulator_DataTransfer';
dataCommMethod = getServiceDataCommMethod(serviceObj, serviceFunctionName)
dataCommMethod = 
  DataCommunicationMethodEnum enumeration


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