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Impute Missing Data in the Credit Scorecard Workflow Using the k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

This example shows how to perform imputation of missing data in the credit scorecard workflow using the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) algorithm.

The kNN algorithm is a nonparametric method used for classification and regression. In both cases, the input consists of the k-closest training examples in the feature space. The output depends on whether kNN is used for classification or regression. In kNN classification, an object is classified by a plurality vote of its neighbors, and the object is assigned to the class most common among its k-nearest neighbors. In kNN regression, the output is the average of the values of k-nearest neighbors. For more information on the kNN algorithm, see fitcknn.

For additional information on alternative approaches for "treating" missing data, see Credit Scorecard Modeling with Missing Values.

Impute Missing Data Using kNN Algorithm

Use the dataMissing data set to impute missing values for the CustAge (numeric) and ResStatus (categorical) predictors.

load CreditCardData.mat
    CustID    CustAge    TmAtAddress     ResStatus     EmpStatus    CustIncome    TmWBank    OtherCC    AMBalance    UtilRate    status
    ______    _______    ___________    ___________    _________    __________    _______    _______    _________    ________    ______

      1          53          62         <undefined>    Unknown        50000         55         Yes       1055.9        0.22        0   
      2          61          22         Home Owner     Employed       52000         25         Yes       1161.6        0.24        0   
      3          47          30         Tenant         Employed       37000         61         No        877.23        0.29        0   
      4         NaN          75         Home Owner     Employed       53000         20         Yes       157.37        0.08        0   
      5          68          56         Home Owner     Employed       53000         14         Yes       561.84        0.11        0   
      6          65          13         Home Owner     Employed       48000         59         Yes       968.18        0.15        0   
      7          34          32         Home Owner     Unknown        32000         26         Yes       717.82        0.02        1   
      8          50          57         Other          Employed       51000         33         No        3041.2        0.13        0   

In this example, the 'CustID' and 'status' columns are removed in the imputation process as those are the id and response values respectively. Alternatively, you can choose to leave the 'status' column in.

dataToImpute = dataMissing(:,setdiff(dataMissing.Properties.VariableNames,...

Create dummy variables for all categorical predictors so that the kNN algorithm can compute the Euclidean distances.

dResStatus = dummyvar(dataToImpute.ResStatus);
dEmpStatus = dummyvar(dataToImpute.EmpStatus);
dOtherCC = dummyvar(dataToImpute.OtherCC);

'k' in the kNN algorithm is based on feature similarity. Choosing the right value of 'k' is a process called parameter tuning, which is important for greater accuracy. There is no physical way to determine the "best" value for 'k', so you have to try a few values before settling on one. Small values of 'k' can be noisy and subject to the effects of outliers. Larger values of 'k' have smoother decision boundaries, which mean lower variance but increased bias.

For the purpose of this example, choose 'k' as the square root of the number of samples in the data set. This is a generally accepted value for 'k'. Choose a value of 'k' that is odd in order to break a tie between two classes of data.

numObs = height(dataToImpute);
k = round(sqrt(numObs));
if ~mod(k,2)
    k = k+1;

Get the missing values from the CustAge and ResStatus predictors.

missingResStatus = ismissing(dataToImpute.ResStatus);
missingCustAge = ismissing(dataToImpute.CustAge);

Next, follow these steps:

  • Modify the dataset to incorporate the dummy variables.

  • Call the fitcknn function to create a k-nearest neighbor classifier.

  • Call the predict method on that class to predict the imputed values.

custAgeToImpute = dataToImpute;
custAgeToImpute.HomeOwner = dResStatus(:,1);
custAgeToImpute.Tenant = dResStatus(:,2);
custAgeToImpute.Employed = dEmpStatus(:,1);
custAgeToImpute.HasOtherCC = dOtherCC(:,2);
custAgeToImpute = removevars(custAgeToImpute, 'ResStatus');
custAgeToImpute = removevars(custAgeToImpute, 'EmpStatus');
custAgeToImpute = removevars(custAgeToImpute, 'OtherCC');

knnCustAge = fitcknn(custAgeToImpute, 'CustAge', 'NumNeighbors', k, 'Standardize',true);
imputedCustAge = predict(knnCustAge,custAgeToImpute(missingCustAge,:));

resStatusToImpute = dataToImpute;
resStatusToImpute.Employed = dEmpStatus(:,1);
resStatusToImpute.HasOtherCC = dOtherCC(:,2);
resStatusToImpute = removevars(resStatusToImpute, 'EmpStatus');
resStatusToImpute = removevars(resStatusToImpute, 'OtherCC');

knnResStatus = fitcknn(resStatusToImpute, 'ResStatus', 'NumNeighbors', k, 'Standardize', true);
imputedResStatus = predict(knnResStatus,resStatusToImpute(missingResStatus,:));

Compare Imputed Data to Original Data

Create a new data set with the imputed data.

knnImputedData = dataMissing;
knnImputedData.CustAge(missingCustAge) = imputedCustAge;
knnImputedData.ResStatus(missingResStatus) = imputedResStatus;
    CustID    CustAge    TmAtAddress    ResStatus     EmpStatus    CustIncome    TmWBank    OtherCC    AMBalance    UtilRate    status
    ______    _______    ___________    __________    _________    __________    _______    _______    _________    ________    ______

       5        68           56         Home Owner    Employed       53000         14         Yes       561.84        0.11        0   
       6        65           13         Home Owner    Employed       48000         59         Yes       968.18        0.15        0   
       7        34           32         Home Owner    Unknown        32000         26         Yes       717.82        0.02        1   
       8        50           57         Other         Employed       51000         33         No        3041.2        0.13        0   
       9        50           10         Tenant        Unknown        52000         25         Yes       115.56        0.02        1   
      10        49           30         Home Owner    Unknown        53000         23         Yes        718.5        0.17        1   
    CustID    CustAge    TmAtAddress    ResStatus     EmpStatus    CustIncome    TmWBank    OtherCC    AMBalance    UtilRate    status
    ______    _______    ___________    __________    _________    __________    _______    _______    _________    ________    ______

       4        52           75         Home Owner    Employed       53000         20         Yes       157.37        0.08        0   
      19        45           14         Home Owner    Employed       51000         11         Yes       519.46        0.42        1   
     138        41           31         Other         Employed       41000          2         Yes       1101.8        0.32        0   
     165        37           21         Home Owner    Unknown        38000         70         No          1217         0.2        0   
     207        48           38         Home Owner    Employed       48000         12         No         573.9         0.1        0   
    CustID    CustAge    TmAtAddress    ResStatus     EmpStatus    CustIncome    TmWBank    OtherCC    AMBalance    UtilRate    status
    ______    _______    ___________    __________    _________    __________    _______    _______    _________    ________    ______

       1        53           62         Tenant        Unknown        50000         55         Yes       1055.9        0.22        0   
      22        51           13         Tenant        Employed       35000         33         Yes       468.85        0.01        0   
      33        46            8         Home Owner    Unknown        32000         26         Yes       940.78         0.3        0   
      47        52           56         Tenant        Employed       56000         79         Yes       294.46        0.12        0   
     103        64           49         Tenant        Employed       50000         35         Yes       118.43           0        0   

Plot a histogram of the predictor values before and after imputation.

Predictor = "CustAge";
f1 = figure;
ax1 = axes(f1);
hold on
legend(strcat("Imputed ", Predictor), strcat("Observed ", Predictor));
title(strcat("Histogram of ", Predictor));

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Histogram of CustAge contains 2 objects of type histogram. These objects represent Imputed CustAge, Observed CustAge.

Create Credit Scorecard Model Using New Imputed Data

Use the imputed data to create the creditscorecard object, and then use autobinning, fitmodel, and formatpoints to create a credit scorecard model.

sc = creditscorecard(knnImputedData,'IDVar','CustID');
sc = autobinning(sc);
[sc,mdl] = fitmodel(sc,'display','off');
sc = formatpoints(sc,'PointsOddsAndPDO',[500 2 50]);
PointsInfo = displaypoints(sc);
      Predictors               Bin             Points
    ______________    _____________________    ______

    {'CustAge'   }    {'[-Inf,33)'        }    53.675
    {'CustAge'   }    {'[33,37)'          }    56.983
    {'CustAge'   }    {'[37,40)'          }    57.721
    {'CustAge'   }    {'[40,45)'          }    67.063
    {'CustAge'   }    {'[45,48)'          }    78.319
    {'CustAge'   }    {'[48,51)'          }    79.494
    {'CustAge'   }    {'[51,58)'          }    81.157
    {'CustAge'   }    {'[58,Inf]'         }    97.315
    {'CustAge'   }    {'<missing>'        }       NaN
    {'ResStatus' }    {'Tenant'           }    63.012
    {'ResStatus' }    {'Home Owner'       }     72.35
    {'ResStatus' }    {'Other'            }    92.434
    {'ResStatus' }    {'<missing>'        }       NaN
    {'EmpStatus' }    {'Unknown'          }    58.892
    {'EmpStatus' }    {'Employed'         }     86.83
    {'EmpStatus' }    {'<missing>'        }       NaN
    {'CustIncome'}    {'[-Inf,29000)'     }    30.304
    {'CustIncome'}    {'[29000,33000)'    }    56.365
    {'CustIncome'}    {'[33000,35000)'    }    67.971
    {'CustIncome'}    {'[35000,40000)'    }    70.136
    {'CustIncome'}    {'[40000,42000)'    }    70.936
    {'CustIncome'}    {'[42000,47000)'    }    82.196
    {'CustIncome'}    {'[47000,Inf]'      }    96.405
    {'CustIncome'}    {'<missing>'        }       NaN
    {'TmWBank'   }    {'[-Inf,12)'        }    50.966
    {'TmWBank'   }    {'[12,23)'          }    60.975
    {'TmWBank'   }    {'[23,45)'          }    61.778
    {'TmWBank'   }    {'[45,71)'          }    93.007
    {'TmWBank'   }    {'[71,Inf]'         }    133.39
    {'TmWBank'   }    {'<missing>'        }       NaN
    {'OtherCC'   }    {'No'               }    50.765
    {'OtherCC'   }    {'Yes'              }    75.649
    {'OtherCC'   }    {'<missing>'        }       NaN
    {'AMBalance' }    {'[-Inf,558.88)'    }    89.765
    {'AMBalance' }    {'[558.88,1254.28)' }    63.097
    {'AMBalance' }    {'[1254.28,1597.44)'}    59.725
    {'AMBalance' }    {'[1597.44,Inf]'    }    49.184
    {'AMBalance' }    {'<missing>'        }       NaN

Calculate Scores and Probability of Default for New Applicants

Create a data set of 'new customers' and then calculate the scores and probabilities of default.

dataNewCustomers = dataMissing(1:20,1:end-1);
    CustID    CustAge    TmAtAddress     ResStatus     EmpStatus    CustIncome    TmWBank    OtherCC    AMBalance    UtilRate
    ______    _______    ___________    ___________    _________    __________    _______    _______    _________    ________

      1          53          62         <undefined>    Unknown        50000         55         Yes       1055.9        0.22  
      2          61          22         Home Owner     Employed       52000         25         Yes       1161.6        0.24  
      3          47          30         Tenant         Employed       37000         61         No        877.23        0.29  
      4         NaN          75         Home Owner     Employed       53000         20         Yes       157.37        0.08  
      5          68          56         Home Owner     Employed       53000         14         Yes       561.84        0.11  
      6          65          13         Home Owner     Employed       48000         59         Yes       968.18        0.15  
      7          34          32         Home Owner     Unknown        32000         26         Yes       717.82        0.02  
      8          50          57         Other          Employed       51000         33         No        3041.2        0.13  

Perform the same preprocessing on the 'new customers' data as on the training data.

dResStatusNewCustomers = dummyvar(dataNewCustomers.ResStatus);
dEmpStatusNewCustomers = dummyvar(dataNewCustomers.EmpStatus);
dOtherCCNewCustomers = dummyvar(dataNewCustomers.OtherCC);

dataNewCustomersCopy = dataNewCustomers;
dataNewCustomersCopy.HomeOwner = dResStatusNewCustomers(:,1);
dataNewCustomersCopy.Tenant = dResStatusNewCustomers(:,2);
dataNewCustomersCopy.Employed = dEmpStatusNewCustomers(:,1);
dataNewCustomersCopy.HasOtherCC = dOtherCCNewCustomers(:,2);
dataNewCustomersCopy = removevars(dataNewCustomersCopy, 'ResStatus');
dataNewCustomersCopy = removevars(dataNewCustomersCopy, 'EmpStatus');
dataNewCustomersCopy = removevars(dataNewCustomersCopy, 'OtherCC');

Predict the missing data in the scoring data set with the same imputation model as before.

missingCustAgeNewCustomers = isnan(dataNewCustomers.CustAge);
missingResStatusNewCustomers = ismissing(dataNewCustomers.ResStatus);
imputedCustAgeNewCustomers = round(predict(knnCustAge, dataNewCustomersCopy(missingCustAgeNewCustomers,:)));
imputedResStatusNewCustomers = predict(knnResStatus, dataNewCustomersCopy(missingResStatusNewCustomers,:));
dataNewCustomers.CustAge(missingCustAgeNewCustomers) = imputedCustAgeNewCustomers;
dataNewCustomers.ResStatus(missingResStatusNewCustomers) = imputedResStatusNewCustomers;

Use score to calculate scores of new customers.

[scores, points] = score(sc, dataNewCustomers);
    CustAge    ResStatus    EmpStatus    CustIncome    TmWBank    OtherCC    AMBalance
    _______    _________    _________    __________    _______    _______    _________

    81.157      63.012       58.892        96.405      93.007     75.649      63.097  
    97.315       72.35        86.83        96.405      61.778     75.649      63.097  
    78.319      63.012        86.83        70.136      93.007     50.765      63.097  
    81.157       72.35        86.83        96.405      60.975     75.649      89.765  
    97.315       72.35        86.83        96.405      60.975     75.649      63.097  
    97.315       72.35        86.83        96.405      93.007     75.649      63.097  
    56.983       72.35       58.892        56.365      61.778     75.649      63.097  
    79.494      92.434        86.83        96.405      61.778     50.765      49.184  
    79.494      63.012       58.892        96.405      61.778     75.649      89.765  
    79.494       72.35       58.892        96.405      61.778     75.649      63.097  
    81.157      63.012       58.892        67.971      61.778     75.649      89.765  
    79.494      92.434       58.892        82.196      60.975     75.649      89.765  
    97.315       72.35       58.892        96.405      50.966     50.765      89.765  
    67.063      92.434       58.892        70.936      61.778     50.765      89.765  
    78.319      92.434        86.83        82.196      60.975     75.649      89.765  
    56.983       72.35        86.83        70.136      61.778     75.649      63.097  
    57.721      63.012        86.83        67.971      61.778     75.649      63.097  
    53.675       72.35        86.83        30.304      60.975     75.649      89.765  
    78.319       72.35        86.83        96.405      50.966     75.649      89.765  
    81.157      92.434       58.892        82.196      60.975     75.649      59.725  
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