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Verification results after converting a system to fixed point


A DataTypeWorkflow.VerificationResult object contains the results after converting a system to fixed point. The verification result object indicates whether a conversion was successful based on the tolerances specified on the DataTypeWorkflow.ProposalSettings object used during the conversion.



verificationResult = verify(converter,BaselineRunName,RunName) simulates the system specified by the DataTypeWorkflow.Converter object, converter, and stores the run information in a new run, RunName. It returns a DataTypeWorkflow.VerificationResult object that compares the baseline and verification runs.

The DataTypeWorkflow.Converter object contains instrumentation data from the run specified by BaselineRunName, as well as the tolerances specified on the associated DataTypeWorkflow.ProposalSettings object. The software determines if the behavior of the verification run is acceptable using the tolerances specified by the ProposalSettings object.


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Name of the verification run to create during the embedded simulation, specified as a character vector.

Example: verificationResult.RunName

Data Types: char

Baseline run to compare against, specified as a character vector.

Example: verificationResult.BaselineRunName

Data Types: char

Whether the verification run meets the specified tolerances, returned as either Pass, Warn, or Fail. For additional details, use explore to display logged data in the Simulation Data Inspector.

PassAll signals with a specified tolerance on the associated ProposalSettings object are within the specified tolerances in the verification run.
FailOne or more signals with a specified tolerance on the associated ProposalSettings object are not within the specified tolerances in the verification run.

Example: verificationResult.Status

Data Types: char

Object Functions

exploreExplore comparison of baseline and fixed-point implementations

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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