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Convert Identical Functions Called with Different Data Types

This example shows how to convert a MATLAB® algorithm containing specialized functions to fixed point using the Fixed-Point Converter app. The example also shows how each instance of the specialized function can have a different data type after conversion.

  1. In a local writable folder, create the function mtictac.m. The input is a Tic-Tac-Toe game board. The output is the winning player. The output is 0 if there is no winner.

    function a = mtictac(b)
    % Input is a Tic-Tac-Toe board.
    % The output is the winning player 
    % or zero if none.
    %   Copyright 2022 The MathWorks, Inc.
    for i = 1:3
        a = winner(b(i,:));
        if a > 0
        a = winner(b(:,i));
        if a > 0
    a = winner(diag(b));
    if a>0
    a = winner(diag(flip(b)));

  2. In the same folder, create the function, winner.m. The winner.m function is called by the function mtictac.m.

    function a = winner(b)
    %   Copyright 2022 The MathWorks, Inc.
    x = mean(b);
    if x <= - 1
        a = 1;
    elseif x >= 1
        a = 2;
        a = 0;

  3. In the same folder, create a test file, mtictac_tb.m, that calls the mtictac function.

    mtictac([-1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 0]);
    mtictac([1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]);
    mtictac([0 0 -1; 0 0 -1; 0 0 -1]);

  4. From the apps gallery, open the Fixed-Point Converter app.

  5. Select mtictac.m as your entry-point function.

  6. Click Next. On the Define Input Types page, enter the test file that exercises the mtictac.m function. Browse to select the mtictac_tb.m file. Click Autodefine Input Types.

  7. Click Next. The app generates an instrumented MEX function for your entry-point MATLAB function.

  8. Click Analyze. Observe that two instances have different data types. The data types for each individual call of the winner function can be customized to use different data types.

    Proposed data types for the first instance of the winner function

    Proposed data types for the second instance of the winner function

  9. Click Convert.

    The Fixed-Point Converter app converts the function containing the structures to fixed point and generates the mtictac_fixpt.m file.

    Converted function mtictac_fixpt.m

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