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Display Port Data Types

To display the data types for the ports in your model.

  1. On the Simulink® Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Base Data Types.

The port display for fixed-point signals consists of three parts: the data type, the number of bits, and the scaling. These three parts reflect the block Output data type parameter value or the data type and scaling that is inherited from the driving block or through back propagation.

The following model displays its port data types.

In the model, the data type displayed with the In1 block indicates that the output data type name is sfix16_Sp2_B10. This corresponds to fixdt(1, 16, 0.2, 10) which is a signed 16 bit fixed-point number with slope 0.2 and bias 10.0. The data type displayed with the In2 block indicates that the output data type name is sfix16_En6. This corresponds to fixdt(1, 16, 6) which is a signed 16 bit fixed-point number with fraction length of 6.

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