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How to Collect Design Cost Metrics

Learn how to programmatically assess the cost of implementing your design in embedded C code. Design cost metrics analyze your model and report detailed cost data that can be traced back to the blocks in the Simulink® model. You can use design cost metrics to:

  • Estimate the program size based on a count of operators in the generated code.

  • Estimate the total size, in bytes, of all global variables and static local variables used during code generation.

Design cost metrics analyze one or more design units in a project, where a design unit represents a standalone Simulink model, or an entire model reference hierarchy. After collecting metrics, you can programmatically access high-level results or generate a report for detailed cost breakdown information. By running a script that collects these metrics, you can automatically analyze the cost of your design to, for example, assess the impact of different design alternatives before deploying to hardware.

Open Project

To open the project that includes the models, in the MATLAB® Command Window, enter this command.

This project contains models and requirements and test cases for the models. Some of the requirements have traceability links to the models and test cases, which help to verify that the functionality of a model meets the requirements.


To collect design cost metrics, all design files must be in a project. Your design must also be ready for code generation, including all models contained in a model reference hierarchy. Models that are not code generation ready will be ignored during metric execution and produce an error. You can use the getArtifactErrors function to see errors that occur during metric execution.

Collect Metric Results

Create a metric.Engine object.

metric_engine = metric.Engine();
A metric.Engine object represents the metric engine that you can execute with the execute object function to collect metric data on your design.

If models in your project have changed, update the trace information for metric_engine to reflect any pending artifact changes.


Create an array of metric identifiers for the metrics you want to collect. For this example, create a list of the metric identifiers used for design cost estimation.

metric_Ids = {'OperatorCount','DataSegmentEstimate'}

You can use the getAvailableMetricIds function to create a full list of all available metric identifiers. For a list of design cost metrics and their identifiers, see Design Cost Model Metrics. For additional model testing metrics, see Model Testing Metrics (Simulink Check).

Collect Results for One Design Unit

You can collect metric results for one design unit in the project, where a design unit represents a standalone Simulink or the top-level model of a model reference hierarchy. When you collect and view results for a design unit, the metrics return data only for the artifacts that trace to the specified design unit.

Collect the metric results for the sldemo_mdlref_depgraph model.

Create an array that identifies the path to the model file in the project and the name of the model.

unit = {fullfile(pwd,'sldemo_mdlref_depgraph.slx'),'sldemo_mdlref_depgraph'};

Execute the engine. Use 'ArtifactScope' to specify the unit for which you want to collect results. The engine runs the metrics for only the artifacts that trace to the model that you specify. Collecting results for the design cost metrics requires a Fixed-Point Designer™ license.


This project contains artifact traceability issues. You can use the getArtifactIssues function to investigate further.

Collect Results for Each Design Unit in Project

To collect the results for each design unit in the project, execute the engine without the argument for ArtifactScope.

The project contains sldemo_mdlref_depgraph, which is the top-level model in a model reference hierarchy. This model reference hierarchy represents one design unit.

Access High-Level Results Programmatically

To access the results programmatically, use the getMetrics function. The function returns the metric.Result objects that contain the result data for the specified unit and metrics. For this example, store the results for the OperatorCount and DataSegmentEstimate metrics in corresponding arrays.

results_OperatorCount = getMetrics(metric_engine,'OperatorCount');
results_DataSegmentEstimate = getMetrics(metric_engine,'DataSegmentEstimate');

The OperatorCount metric returns a unitless estimate of the program size based on operator count. Use the disp function to display the total cost of the design.

disp(['Unit:  ', results_OperatorCount.Artifacts.Name])
disp(['Total Cost:  ', num2str(results_OperatorCount.Value)])
Unit:  sldemo_mdlref_depgraph
Total Cost:  57

This result shows that for sldemo_mdlref_depgraph, the total cost of the design is 57. This is a unitless value based on a count of operators in the generated code, and is an abstraction of the total program size.

The metric DataSegmentEstimate returns the estimated size of the data segment of the program. This value represents the total size, in bytes, of all global variables and static local variables used during code generation. Use the disp function to display the total data segment size.

disp(['Unit:  ', results_DataSegmentEstimate.Artifacts.Name])
disp(['Data Segment Size (bytes):  ', num2str(results_DataSegmentEstimate.Value)])
Unit:  sldemo_mdlref_depgraph
Data Segment Size (bytes):  228

This result shows that for sldemo_mdlref_depgraph, the total data segment size estimate is 228 bytes.

Generate Report to Access Detailed Results

Generate a report that contains a detailed breakdown of design cost metric results. For this example, specify the HTML file format, use pwd to provide the path to the current folder. Name the report 'MetricResultsReport.html'.

reportLocation = fullfile(pwd,'MetricResultsReport.html');


Report generation requires that the metric collection be executed in the current session. To recollect design cost metrics, first use the deleteMetrics function to delete the metric.Result. Then, use the execute function to collect metrics.

Open the HTML report. The report is in the current folder, at the root of the project.


To open the table of contents and navigate to results for each unit, click the menu icon in the top-left corner of the report. The report contains sections for each metric collected.

Operator Count

The Operator Count section of the report contains information on the cost of the design. The High Level Statistics section gives the total cost of the design and a breakdown of the top five most expensive blocks in the sldemo_mdlref_depgraph model reference hierarchy.

Table containing high-level operator count statistics.

The Operator Count Detailed Breakdown section contains an image of each system, along with a table containing the cost for all blocks within each system.

Cost breakdown details showing image of a system and tables listing the top five blocks and systems by cost.

For each block within the system, the Operator Count by Block Table displays SelfOperatorCount and TotalOperatorCount. For most blocks these cost metrics will be the same. However, for some blocks, the difference between SelfOperatorCount and TotalOperatorCount can highlight important results in the design. For example, if a subsystem contains two Lookup Table blocks with similar configuration, the blocks may share some utilities in common. For example, the TotalOperatorCount of one Lookup Table block might equal to the SelfOperatorCount plus the cost of any shared utilities. For another example, a Subsystem block has a SelfOperatorCount of zero, and the TotalOperatorCount is equal to the cost of everything contained within the subsystem.

Data Segment Size Breakdown

The Data Segment Size Breakdown section of the report provides the total data segment size cost. A flame graph visualization allows you to identify modeling elements that have a high data segment size cost.

Portion of report showing data segment size breakdown and corresponding flame graph.

The Data Segment Size Estimate table displays the following information:

  • Block — Block in the model for which metrics were computed.

  • Cost (bytes) — Total data segment size cost, in bytes, for each block. The table is sorted to display the highest cost blocks first.

  • C Variable — The C variables in generated code from each block. The size of C variables for a block sum to the total cost of the block

  • Size (bytes) — The data segment size cost, in bytes, of each C variable in the generated code.

Data Segment Table listing the cost of each block in the model, the C variables responsible for that cost, and the size in bytes of each C variable in generated code.

If your model contains referenced models, a second table reports the total Data Segment Size Estimate, in bytes, of each referenced model.

Data Segment Table listing the cost of each model reference block in the model.

See Also

| (Simulink Check) | | | | |

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