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Single-Precision Conversion Best Practices

Use Integers for Index Variables

In MATLAB® code that you want to convert to single precision, it is a best practice to use integers for index variables. However, if the code does not use integers for index variables, when possible convertToSingle tries to detect the index variables and select int32 types for them.

Limit Use of assert Statements

  • Do not use assert statements to define the properties of input arguments.

  • Do not use assert statements to test the type of a variable. For example, do not use

    assert(isa(a, 'double'))

Initialize MATLAB Class Properties in Constructor

Do not initialize MATLAB class properties in the properties block. Instead, use the constructor to initialize the class properties.

Provide a Test File That Calls Your MATLAB Function

Separate your core algorithm from other code that you use to test and verify the results. Create a test file that calls your double-precision MATLAB algorithm. You can use the test file to:

  • Automatically define properties of the top-level function inputs.

  • Verify that the double-precision algorithm behaves as you expect. The double-precision behavior is the baseline against which you compare the behavior of the single-precision versions of your algorithm.

  • Compare the behavior of the single-precision version of your algorithm to the double-precision baseline.

For best results, the test file must exercise the algorithm over its full operating range.

Prepare Your Code for Code Generation

MATLAB code that you want to convert to single precision must comply with code generation requirements. See MATLAB Language Features Supported for C/C++ Code Generation.

To help you identify unsupported functions or constructs in your MATLAB code, add the %#codegen pragma to the top of your MATLAB file. When you edit your code in the MATLAB editor, the MATLAB Code Analyzer flags functions and constructs that are not supported for code generation. See Check Code Using the MATLAB Code Analyzer. When you use the MATLAB Coder™ app, the app screens your code for code generation readiness. At the function line, you can use the Code Generation Readiness Tool. See Check Code Using the Code Generation Readiness Tool.

Use the -args Option to Specify Input Properties

When you generate single-precision MATLAB code, if you specify a test file, you do not have to specify argument properties with the -args option. In this case, the code generator runs the test file to determine the properties of the input types. However, running the test file can slow the code generation. It is a best practice to pass the properties to the -args option so that convertToSingle does not run the test file to determine the argument properties. If you have a MATLAB Coder license, you can use coder.getArgTypes to determine the argument properties. For example:

types = coder.getArgTypes('myfun_test', 'myfun');
scfg = coder.config('single');
convertToSingle -config scfg -args types myfun

Test Numerics and Log I/O Data

When you use the convertToSingle function to generate single-precision MATLAB code, enable numerics testing and I/O data logging for comparison plots. To use numerics testing, you must provide a test file that calls your MATLAB function. To enable numerics testing and I/O data logging, create a coder.SingleConfig object. Set the TestBenchName, TestNumerics, and LogIOForComparisonPlotting properties. For example:

scfg = coder.config('single');
scfg.TestBenchName = 'mytest';
scfg.TestNumerics = true;
scfg.LogIOForComparisonPlotting = true;

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