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Get Started with Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox

Design, simulate, and test multisensor tracking and positioning systems

Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox™ includes algorithms and tools for designing, simulating, and testing systems that fuse data from multiple sensors to maintain situational awareness and localization. Reference examples provide a starting point for multi-object tracking and sensor fusion development for surveillance and autonomous systems, including airborne, spaceborne, ground-based, shipborne, and underwater systems.

You can fuse data from real-world sensors, including active and passive radar, sonar, lidar, EO/IR, IMU, and GPS. You can also generate synthetic data from virtual sensors to test your algorithms under different scenarios. The toolbox includes multi-object trackers and estimation filters for evaluating architectures that combine grid-level, detection-level, and object- or track-level fusion. It also provides metrics, including OSPA and GOSPA, for validating performance against ground truth scenes.

For simulation acceleration or rapid prototyping, the toolbox supports C and C++ code generation.


Featured Examples


What is Sensor Fusion

Part 1: What is Sensor Fusion?
An overview of what sensor fusion is and how it helps in the design of autonomous systems.

Fusing Mag, Accel, and Gyro to Estimate Orientation

Part 2: Fusing Mag, Accel, and Gyro to Estimate Orientation
Use magnetometer, accelerometer, and gyro to estimate an object’s orientation.

Fusing GPS and IMU to Estimate Pose

Part 3: Fusing GPS and IMU to Estimate Pose
Use GPS and an IMU to estimate an object’s orientation and position.

Tracking a Single Object With an IMM Filter

Part 4: Tracking a Single Object With an IMM Filter
Track a single object by estimating state with an interacting multiple model filter.

How to Track Multiple Objects at Once

Part 5: How to Track Multiple Objects at Once?
Introduce two common problems in multi object tracking: Data association and track maintenance.

What is Track-Level Fusion?

Part 6: What is Track-Level Fusion?
Introduce track-to-track fusion and tracking architecture.

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