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Target positions and orientations as seen from platform


poses = targetPoses(ptfm) returns the poses of all targets in a scenario with respect to the platform ptfm. Targets are defined as platforms as seen by another platform and are located with respect to the coordinate system of that platform. Pose represents the position, velocity, and orientation of a target with respect to the coordinate system belonging to the platform, ptfm. The targets must already exist in the tracking scenario. Add targets using the platform method.

Input Arguments

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Scenario platform, specified as a Platform object. To create platforms, use the platform method.

Output Arguments

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Poses for all targets, returned as a structure or an array of structures. The pose of the input platform, ptfm, is not included. Pose consists of the position, velocity, orientation, and signature of a target in platform coordinates. The returned structure has these fields:


Unique identifier for the platform, specified as a positive integer. This is a required field with no default value.


User-defined integer used to classify the type of target, specified as a nonnegative integer. 0 is reserved for unclassified platform types and is the default value.


Position of target in the platform body frame, specified as a real-valued, 1-by-3 vector. This is a required field with no default value. Units are in meters.


Velocity of target in the platform body frame, specified as a real-valued, 1-by-3 vector. Units are in meters per second. The default is [0 0 0].


Acceleration of target in the platform body frame, specified as a 1-by-3 vector. Units are in meters per second-squared. The default is [0 0 0].


Orientation of the target with respect to platform body frame, specified as a scalar quaternion or a 3-by-3 rotation matrix. Orientation defines the frame rotation from the platform coordinate system to the target body coordinate system. Units are dimensionless. The default is quaternion(1,0,0,0).


Angular velocity of the target in the platform body frame, specified as a real-valued, 1-by-3 vector. The magnitude of the vector defines the angular speed. Units are in degrees per second. The default is [0 0 0].

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

See Also

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