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Coding Standards

Coding standard report, lint tool scripts, and list of coding standard rules

Industry coding standards recommend using certain HDL coding guidelines. HDL Coder™ generates code that follows industry-standard rules and generates a report that shows how well your generated HDL code conforms to industry coding standards.

HDL Coder checks for conformance of your Simulink® model or MATLAB® algorithm to the HDL coding standard rules. To fix errors or warnings related to these rules, update your model design. You can customize some of the coding standard rules.


hdlcoder.CodingStandardCreate HDL coding standard customization object



HDL Coding Standard Report

HDL Coding Standard Rules Reference

  • Basic Coding Practices
    A list of rules related to basic coding practices, the rule description, and how you can fix warnings or errors resulting from rule violations.
  • RTL Description Rules and Checks
    A list of rules related to RTL description techniques, the rule description, and how you can fix warnings or errors resulting from rule violations.
  • RTL Design Methodology Guidelines
    A list of rules related to RTL design methodology, the rule description, and how you can fix warnings or errors resulting from rule violations.

Coding Standard Considerations

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