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Enumerated Type Encoding Scheme

Encoding scheme represent enumeration types

Model Configuration Pane: Global Settings / Coding style


Specify the encoding scheme to represent enumeration types in the generated HDL code.


default (default) | onehot | twohot | binary

Default: default

Use a default, onehot, twohot, or binary encoding scheme to represent enumerated types in the generated HDL code.


The code generator uses decimal encoding in Verilog®, SystemVerilog and VHDL-native enumerated types in VHDL®. This example shows the Verilog code snippet of this encoding scheme for a Stateflow® Chart that has four states.

is_Chart_IN_s_idle = 2'd0, 
is_Chart_IN_s_rx = 2'd1, 
is_Chart_IN_s_wait_0 = 2'd2, 
is_Chart_IN_s_wait_tb = 2'd3;


The code generator uses a one-hot encoding scheme where a single bit is high to represent each enumeration value. This example shows the Verilog code snippet of this encoding scheme for a Stateflow Chart that has four states.

is_Chart_IN_s_idle = 4'b0001, 
is_Chart_IN_s_rx = 4'b0010, 
is_Chart_IN_s_wait_0 = 4'b0100, 
is_Chart_IN_s_wait_tb = 4'b1000;
This encoding scheme does not support more than 64 enumeration values or numbers of states.


The code generator uses a two-hot encoding scheme where two bits are high to represent each enumeration value. This example shows the Verilog code snippet of this encoding scheme for a Stateflow Chart that has four states.

is_Chart_IN_s_idle = 4'b0011, 
is_Chart_IN_s_rx = 4'b0101, 
is_Chart_IN_s_wait_0 = 4'b0110, 
is_Chart_IN_s_wait_tb = 4'b1001;


The code generator uses a binary encoding scheme to represent each enumeration value. This example shows the Verilog code snippet of this encoding scheme for a Stateflow Chart that has four states.

is_Chart_IN_s_idle = 2'b00, 
is_Chart_IN_s_rx = 2'b01, 
is_Chart_IN_s_wait_0 = 2'b10, 
is_Chart_IN_s_wait_tb = 2'b11;

In VHDL, the generated code uses CONSTANT types to encode nondefault enumeration values in the generated code. For example, this code snippet shows the generated VHDL code when you use the two-hot state encoding for a Stateflow Chart that has four states.

  -- Constants
  -- Two-hot encoded enumeration values for type state_type_is_Chart
  CONSTANT IN_s_idle         : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) := 
  CONSTANT IN_s_rx           : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) := 
  CONSTANT IN_s_wait_0       : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) := 
  CONSTANT IN_s_wait_tb      : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) := 

END s_pkg;


To set this property, use the functions hdlset_param or makehdl. To view the property value, use the function hdlget_param.

Recommended Settings

No recommended settings.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: EnumEncodingScheme
Type: character vector
Value: 'default' | 'onehot' | 'twohot' | 'binary'
Default: 'default'

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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