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hdl.WorkingSet Class

Namespace: hdl

Working set object that generates working sets form input image for HLS code generation

Since R2023a


ws = hdl.WorkingSet(image,workingSetSize,Name=Value) creates a working set object that you can use to generate working sets from the input image based on the specified properties.

A working set object has the simulation behavior and must be used inside the MATLAB® test bench.


ws = hdl.WorkingSet(image,workingSetSize,Name=Value) creates an hdl.WorkingSet object that you can use to generate the working sets from the input image. The image property is set to img and the workingSetSize property is set to wsSize. Use one or more name-value arguments to specify other options for creating an hdl.WorkingSet object.


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Input image, specified as a matrix.

Size of the working set, specified as a 2-element row vector of positive integers.

Example: [3 3]

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: hdl.WorkingSet(img,[20 20],FillMethod="ConstantFill",FillValue=1);

If you do not specify a name-value argument, MATLAB uses the default value for the missing argument.

Boundary fill method, specified as one of these options.

Boundary Fill MethodDescription
"ConstantFill"Each value is filled with the specified constant value.
"Nearest"The value from the nearest location at the edge of the image to fill each boundary element.
"Reflected"Each element outside of the edge of the image is filled with a value that is within the image and an equal distance from the edge of the image.
"Wrap"Boundary values are filled with values wrapped around from the preceding or following rows of the image to fill boundary elements.

Origin of the working set, specified as a 2-element row vector of positive integers.

For the boundary fill method "Wrap", the default value of origin is [1 1].

Example: [2 2]

Constant value to fill pixels falling outside the of the working set.

Example: 1


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Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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