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Tool Qualification and Certification

Qualify HDL Coder for IEC certification

You can use the IEC Certification Kit (for ISO 26262 and IEC 61508) to qualify HDL Coder™ for industry standards ISO 26262: 2018, IEC 61508: 2010, IEC 62304: 2015, ISO 25119: 2018, and EN 50128: 2011.


  • Tool Certification (IEC Certification Kit)

    Use Model-Based Design and MathWorks® tools to meet ISO 26262, IEC 61508, IEC 62304, EN 50128, EN 50657, ISO 25119, and IEC 61511 objectives

  • Overview of the Artifacts in the IEC Certification Kit (IEC Certification Kit)

    The IEC Certification Kit includes certification and qualification evidence, templates, test cases, and test procedures.

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