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HDL Workflow Advisor

The HDL Workflow Advisor is a tool that supports a suite of tasks covering the stages of the ASIC and FPGA design process, including converting floating-point MATLAB® algorithms to fixed-point algorithms. Some tasks perform code validation or checking; others run the HDL code generator or third-party tools. Each folder at the top level of the HDL Workflow Advisor contains a group of related tasks that you can select and run.

Use the HDL Workflow Advisor to:

  • Convert floating-point MATLAB algorithms to fixed-point algorithms.

    If you already have a fixed-point MATLAB algorithm, set Design needs conversion to Fixed Point? to No to skip this step.

  • Generate HDL code from fixed-point MATLAB algorithms.

  • Simulate the HDL code using a third-party simulation tool.

  • Synthesize the HDL code and run a mapping process that maps the synthesized logic design to the target FPGA.

  • Run a Place and Route process that takes the circuit description produced by the previous mapping process, and emits a circuit description suitable for programming an FPGA.


HDL Workflow Advisor is not available in Simulink® Online™.


You can perform these actions for the tasks in the HDL Workflow Advisor:

Automatically Run Tasks

To automatically run the tasks within a folder:

  1. Click the Run button. The tasks run in order until a task fails.

    Alternatively, right-click the folder to open the context menu. From the context menu, select Run This Task to run the tasks within the folder.

  2. If a task in the folder fails:

    1. Fix the failure using the information in the results pane.

    2. Continue the run by clicking the Run button.

Run Individual Tasks

To run an individual task:

  1. Click the Run button.

    Alternatively, right-click the task to open the context menu. From the context menu, select Run This Task to run the selected task.

  2. Review results. The possible results are:

    Pass: Move on to the next task.
    Warning: Review results, decide whether to move on or fix.
    Fail: Review results, do not move on without fixing.

  3. If required, fix the issue using the information in the results pane.

  4. Once you have fixed a Warning or Failed task, rerun the task by clicking Run.

Run to Selected Task

To run the tasks up to and including the currently selected task:

  1. Select the last task that you want to run.

  2. Right-click this task to open the context menu.

  3. From the context menu, select Run to Selected Task.


If a task before the selected task fails, the Workflow Advisor stops at the failed task.

Reset a Task

To reset a task:

  1. Select the task that you want to reset.

  2. Right-click this task to open the context menu.

  3. From the context menu, select Reset This Task to reset this and subsequent tasks.

Reset All Tasks in a Folder

To reset all tasks in a folder:

  1. Select the folder that you want to reset.

  2. Right-click this folder to open the context menu.

  3. From the context menu, select Reset This Task to reset the tasks this folder and subsequent folders.

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