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Getting Started with Customizing Generated SystemVerilog Code

This example shows you how to customize the generated SystemVerilog code in the SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation process.

Requirements and Prerequisites

Products required for this example:


  • Simulink®

  • Simulink Coder™

  • Siemens® ModelSim™/QuestaSim™

  • One of the supported C compilers: Microsoft® Visual C++, or GNU GCC


If the default generated SystemVerilog code does not meet your requirements, you have the option to customize the generated code. This example shows how to customize the generated code.

In the following Simulink model the generated code corresponding to subsystems, F0, F2, F3, and F4, are exported separately as SystemVerilog modules. By default, each module contains three control signals: clock, clock enable, and reset. In HDL simulation, the subsystem update and output functions will be called on the rising edge of the clock signal. An event scheduler would trigger those update and output function in HDL simulator in the same sequence as in Simulink model.

Open Example

Run the following code to open the design


Set Up Model for Code Generation

Open the Simulink Model Configuration Parameter panel from the svpid_SimpleFeedBack model. Set the following parameters:

Select Code Generation -> System Target File. Click Browse button and select "systemverilog_dpi_grt.tlc".

In Toolchain setting, select one of the Visual Studio versions if you are using Windows, or one of the GCC toolchains if you are using Linux. Make sure that option "Generate code only" is unchecked.

Select Code Generation -> SystemVerilog DPI, and check the option "Customize generated SystemVerilog code". Make sure that "Source file template" is set to default template "svdpi_event.vgt".

You can also click the "Edit" button to view the default SystemVerilog template.

Now we are done with the Configuration Parameter panel. Click "OK" button to close it.

Generate SystemVerilog DPI Component

In the "svdpi_SimpleFeedBack" model, generate C code for subsystems F0, F2, F3, and F4. You can generate C code from the command-line by run the following commands in MATLAB:


Now the C code for those subsystems are generated in subdirectories "F0_build", "F2_build", "F3_build" and "F4_build", respectively.

Testbench Files

In the testbench "" the control signal is connected so that it flows from modules with higher execution order in Simulink to modules with lower execution order in Simulink.

Run the Generated Testbench

  • Start ModelSim/QuestaSim in GUI mode and change the directory to the current directory in MATLAB. In ModelSim/QuestaSim, enter the following command to compile your design

  • In ModelSim/QuestaSim, enter the following command to simulate your design


When simulation finishes, you can exam the difference between the output of each subsystem and the captured signal in ModelSim's waveform window.

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