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Select TLM Compilation Options

Along with the generated component, the TLM generator also generates a makefile for building the shared libraries. Use the options on the TLM Compilation tab to specify makefile attributes before you generate code. You can generate a TLM component to run on a different operating system than that of your MATLAB® machine. Specify the compiler parameters for the target machine where you will run the makefile.

The default values are environment variables (for example, $SYSTEMC_INC_PATH). If you use the default variable name and define these environment variables in your system, you can usually update your installation without having to update your Simulink® models.

  • SystemC include path — Specify the location of the include folder in your SystemC installation. For example:

    Alternately, use the default environment variable and define $SYSTEMC_INC_PATH in your system.

  • SystemC library path — Specify the location of the library folder in your SystemC installation. For example:

    Alternately, use the default environment variable and define $SYSTEMC_LIB_PATH in your system.

  • SystemC library name — Specify the name of the SystemC™ library in your SystemC installation. For example:

    • Windows®: systemc.lib

    • Linux®: libsystemc.a

    Alternately, use the default environment variable and define $SYSTEMC_LIB_NAME in your system.

  • TLM Include Path — Specify the location of the include folder in your TLM installation. For example:

    Alternately, use the default environment variable and define $TLM_INC_PATH in your system. Since SystemC 2.2, the TLM library is included with SystemC. Therefore, this path might be the same as $SYSTEMC_INC_PATH.

  • Operating System — You can generate a TLM component for an operating system different from that of your MATLAB host machine. Select Windows 64 or Linux 64. The Toolchain options change depending on your target operating system.

  • Toolchain — Specify a compiler from the Toolchain drop-down list. The available options are the compiler versions installed on your computer. The default option is the version most recently installed. See TLM Generation Requirements for a list of supported compilers.

If you choose Implement memory map with SCML on the TLM Mapping tab, specify the location of your SCML installation using these additional options.

  • SCML include path — Specify the location of the include folder in your SCML installation. For example:

    Alternately, use the default environment variable and define $SCML_INC_PATH in your system.

  • SCML library path — Specify the location of the library folder in your SCML installation. For example:

    • Windows: /scml-2.2/lib/win64

    • Linux: /scml-2.2/lib/glnxa64

    Alternately, use the default environment variable and define $SCML_LIB_PATH in your system.

  • SCML library name — Specify the name of the SCML library in your SCML installation. For example:

    Alternately, use the default environment variable and define $SCML_LIB_NAME in your system.

  • SCML logging library name — Specify the name of the SCML logging library in your SCML installation. For example:

    Alternately, use the default environment variable and define $SCML_LOGGING_LIB_NAME in your system.

Component Naming

  • User-defined tag for TLM component namesAdd additional text to your TLM component class name identifier. To see how the user tag is applied, see Identify Generated Files.

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