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Load image acquisition object into MATLAB workspace


load filename
load filename obj1 obj2 ...
S = load(filename,obj1,obj2,...)


load filename returns all variables from the MAT-file filename to the MATLAB® workspace.

load filename obj1 obj2 ... returns the specified image acquisition objects (obj1, obj2, etc.) from the MAT-file specified by filename to the MATLAB workspace.

S = load(filename,obj1,obj2,...) returns the structure S with the specified image acquisition objects (obj1, obj2, etc.) from the MAT-file filename. The field names in S match the names of the image acquisition objects that were retrieved. If no objects are specified, then all variables existing in the MAT-file are loaded.

Values for read-only properties are restored to their default values when loaded. For example, the Running property is restored to 'off'. Use propinfo to determine if a property is read only.


obj = videoinput('winvideo', 1);
obj.SelectedSourceName = 'input1'
save fname obj
load fname
load('fname', 'obj');

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also


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