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Configure and Return Properties

Establish the desired instrument object behavior by configuring property values. You can configure property values using dot notation or by specifying name-value arguments during object creation. You can return property values using dot notation.

Set Property Values During Object Creation and View Properties

You can set certain property values using name-value arguments during instrument object creation. For example, set the serialport object property Timeout during object creation.

s = serialport("COM4",9600,Timeout=20)
s = 

  Serialport with properties:

                 Port: "COM4"
             BaudRate: 9600
    NumBytesAvailable: 0

  Show all properties, functions

You can set multiple property values during object creation using the name-value argument syntax.

Once the instrument object is created, you can return properties. For example, the properties for the serialport object s are shown as follows. Click Show all properties to view all properties of s and their values.

s = 

  Serialport with properties:

                 Port: "COM4"
             BaudRate: 9600
    NumBytesAvailable: 0

  Show all properties, all methods

                      Port: "COM4"
                  BaudRate: 9600
         NumBytesAvailable: 0

                 ByteOrder: "little-endian"
                  DataBits: 8
                  StopBits: 1
                    Parity: "none"
               FlowControl: "none"
                   Timeout: 20
                Terminator: "LF"

     BytesAvailableFcnMode: "off"
    BytesAvailableFcnCount: 64
         BytesAvailableFcn: []
           NumBytesWritten: 0

          ErrorOccurredFcn: []
                  UserData: []

You can find a full list of properties, which ones you can configure, and how to configure them in the respective interface object documentation:

Set Property Values

To display the current value for one property, use dot notation with the property name.

ans =


Configure property values using dot notation.

device.ByteOrder = "big-endian"

You can also configure certain properties during object creation using optional name-value arguments.

device = serialport("COM4",9600,DataBits=5);

Use configureTerminator to set the Terminator property. This property cannot be set using name-value arguments or dot notation.


Callback properties must be configured using the configureCallback function. Use configureCallback to set the BytesAvailableFcnMode, BytesAvailableFcn, and BytesAvailableFcnCount properties. These properties cannot be set using name-value arguments or dot notation.


See Also

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