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SPI Interface Usage Requirements and Guidelines

To use the spi interface, you must have either a Total Phase Aardvark host adaptor or an NI-845x adaptor board installed. The following sections describe requirements for each option.

Aardvark-specific Requirements

To use the SPI interface with the Aardvark adaptor, you must download the Hardware Support Package to obtain the necessary files. You must also download the USB device driver from the vendor.

If you do not have the Aardvark driver installed, see Install Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for Total Phase Aardvark I2C/SPI Interface.

Install the Aardvark Software API and Shared Library appropriate for your operating system.

The aardvark.dll file that comes with the Total Phase Aardvark adaptor board must be available in one of these locations for use on Windows® platforms:

  • Location where MATLAB® was started from (bin folder)

  • MATLAB current folder (pwd)

  • Windows folder C:\winnt or C:\windows

  • Folders listed in the path environment variable

For use on Linux® platforms, the file that comes with the Total Phase Aardvark adaptor board must be in your MATLAB path.

NI-845x-specific Requirements

To use the SPI interface with the NI-845x adaptor, you must download the hardware support package to obtain the latest driver, if you do not already have the driver installed. If you already have the latest driver installed, you do not need to download this support package.

If you do not have the NI-845x driver installed, see Install Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-845x I2C/SPI Interface to install it.

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