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Resolve TCP/IP Client Warning: Unable to Read Any Data


These remedies apply when you receive no data and you get this warning message:

'tcplient' unable to read any data

Possible Solutions

Try these remedies to resolve the following causes for when you use the TCP/IP client interface for:

  • Reading ASCII (text) data using the readline function.

  • Reading binary data using the read function.

  • Reading binblock data using the readbinblock function.

An invalid command was sent to the device, so there is a problem reading the response to the command.Check your device manual for proper command formatting.
An incorrect write terminator was sent to the instrument before attempting to read data, so there is no data to read.Verify that the Terminator property is set to the value required by your device. For more information about setting the property, see configureTerminator.
Your device did not receive the command because the remote host address or the remote port is incorrect.Verify that the device is at the remote host address that you specified, and is listening on the remote port that you specified when you created the tcpclient object. For more information about communication settings, see Create TCP/IP Client and Configure Settings and Write and Read Data over TCP/IP Interface.

See Also

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