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Great Circles, Geodesics, and Rhumb Lines

Find shortest path between two points, find curve that crosses meridians at same angle

A great circle is the shortest path between two points along the surface of a sphere, a geodesic is the shortest path between two points on a curved surface, and a rhumb line is a curve that crosses each meridian at the same angle. Use these functions to:

  • Find distances and azimuths along great circle, geodesic, and rhumb line tracks.

  • Find the coordinates of reckon points and antipodes.

  • Find the coordinates of track points along great circle, geodesic, and rhumb line tracks.

  • Find the intersection points of great circles, geodesics, and rhumb lines.


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distanceDistance between points on sphere or ellipsoid
azimuthAzimuth between points on sphere or ellipsoid
departureDeparture of longitudes at specified latitudes
meridianarcEllipsoidal distance along meridian
reckonPoint at specified azimuth and range on sphere or ellipsoid
antipodePoint on opposite side of globe
meridianfwdReckon position along meridian
trackGeographic track points from waypoints
track1Geographic track points from starting point, azimuth, and range
track2Geographic track points from starting and ending points
trackgDisplay great circle or rhumb line on axesm-based map using mouse
gcxgcIntersection points for pairs of great circles
gcxscIntersection points for great and small circle pairs
rhxrhIntersection points for pairs of rhumb lines


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