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Stop job manager process


stopjobmanager -flags


stopjobmanager stops a job manager that is running under the mjs service.

The stopjobmanager executable resides in the folder matlabroot\toolbox\parallel\bin (Windows® operating system) or matlabroot/toolbox/parallel/bin (UNIX® operating system). Enter the following command syntax at a Windows or UNIX command-line prompt, respectively.

stopjobmanager -flags accepts the following input flags. Multiple flags can be used together on the same command.

-name <job_manager_name>

Specifies the name of the job manager to stop. The default is the value of DEFAULT_JOB_MANAGER_NAME parameter the mjs_def file.

-remotehost <hostname>

Specifies the name of the host where you want to stop the job manager and the associated job manager lookup process. The default value is the local host.


Deletes all checkpoint information stored on disk for the current instance of this job manager after stopping it. This cleans the job manager of all its job and task data.

-baseport <port_number>

Specifies the base port that the mjs service on the remote host is using. You need to specify this only if the value of BASE_PORT in the local mjs_def file does not match the base port being used by the mjs service on the remote host.

-secretfile <path_to_shared_secret_file>

Specifies the path to the shared secret file to use to authenticate the command. Use this flag to override the value of SHARED_SECRET_FILE in the local mjs_def file. If not specified, the command will attempt to use the path in the local mjs_def file or the default location:



Verbose mode displays the progress of the command execution.


Stop the job manager MyJobManager on the local host.

stopjobmanager -name MyJobManager

Stop the job manager MyJobManager on the host JMHost.

stopjobmanager -name MyJobManager -remotehost JMHost

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