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Multilevel Default Values

This example sets default values on more than one level in the hierarchy. These statements create two axes in one figure window, setting default values on the figure level and the axes level:

t = 0:pi/20:2*pi;
s = sin(t);
c = cos(t);
figure('defaultAxesPlotBoxAspectRatio',[1 1 1],...
hold on
text('Position',[3 0.4],'String','Sine')
text('Position',[2 -0.3],'String','Cosine')
hold on
text('Position',[3 0.4],'String','Sine')
text('Position',[2 -0.3],'String','Cosine')

Issuing the same plot and text statements to each subplot region results in a different display, reflecting different default values defined for the axes. The default defined on the figure applies to both axes.

It is necessary to call hold on to prevent the plot function from resetting axes properties.


If a property has an associated mode property (for example, PlotBoxAspectRatio and PlotBoxAspectRatioMode), you must define a default value of manual for the mode property when you define a default value for the associated property.

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