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Move camera position and target




camdolly(dx,dy,dz) moves the camera position and the camera target by the specified amounts dx, dy, and dz.

camdolly(dx,dy,dz,'targetmode') uses the targetmode argument to determine how the camera moves:

  • 'movetarget' (default) — Move both the camera and the target.

  • 'fixtarget' — Move only the camera.

camdolly(dx,dy,dz,targetmode,coordsys) uses the coordsys argument to determine how MATLAB® interprets dx, dy, and dz:

  • 'camera' (default) — Move in the coordinate system of the camera. dx moves left/right, dy moves down/up, and dz moves along the viewing axis. MATLAB normalizes the units to the scene.

    For example, setting dx to 1 moves the camera to the right, which pushes the scene to the left edge of the box formed by the axes position rectangle. A negative value moves the scene in the other direction. Setting dz to 0.5 moves the camera to a position halfway between the camera position and the camera target.

  • 'pixels' — Interpret dx and dy as pixel offsets. This option ignores dz.

  • 'data' — Interpret dx, dy, and dz as offsets in axes data coordinates.

camdolly(ax,...) operates on the axes identified by the first argument, ax. When you do not specify an axes object, camdolly operates on the current axes.

camdolly sets the axes CameraPosition and CameraTarget properties, which in turn sets the CameraPositionMode and CameraTargetMode properties to manual.


collapse all

Move the camera along the x-axis and y-axis in a series of steps.

axis vis3d
t = 0:pi/20:4*pi;
dx = sin(t)./40;
dy = cos(t)./40;
for i = 1:length(t)

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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