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Graphically display structure of cell array


cellplot(c, 'legend')
handles = cellplot(c)


cellplot(c) displays a figure window that graphically represents the contents of c. Filled rectangles represent elements of vectors and arrays, while scalars and short character vectors are displayed as text.

cellplot(c, 'legend') places a colorbar next to the plot labelled to identify the data types in c.

handles = cellplot(c) displays a figure window and returns a vector of surface handles.


The cellplot function can display only two-dimensional cell arrays.


Consider a 2-by-2 cell array containing a matrix, a vector, and two character vectors:

c{1,1} = '2-by-2';
c{1,2} = 'eigenvalues of eye(2)';
c{2,1} = eye(2);
c{2,2} = eig(eye(2));

The command cellplot(c) produces

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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