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Organize and Copy Assignments

After adding assignments to a course, drag and drop them in the left-side pane to place them in your preferred order. Copy existing assignments to reuse them.

Organize Assignments

After you create assignments, you can change the order in which they appear in a specific course. To move an assignment, click the Reorder Content link at the top of the Contents pane. When you do, the reorder handle is displayed before each assignment. You can then drag and drop assignments using this handle.​

You can reorganize assignments even after a course is active. You cannot move an assignment to a different course, but you can copy it to a different course.

Copy an Assignment

Copy your existing assignments, including problems, and modify them, as needed. Copying assignments is useful when:

  • You want to use an existing assignment as a template for a new assignment.

  • You want to reuse an existing assignment in a different course.

To copy an assignment:

  1. Click the assignment you want to copy.

  2. Click Copy next to the assignment title.

  3. Select the destination course.

  4. Click Copy.

  5. Click View Assignment to view the copy in the destination course. Update all assignment fields so that they are pertinent to the copied assignment.

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