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Saving and Loading MAT Files

This example shows how to save and load a MAT file.

Create variable matVar1 with a 2-by-3 matrix of uniformly distributed random numbers between 0 and 1.

disp('Create variable matVar1:')
matVar1 = rand(2, 3)
Create variable matVar1:

matVar1 =

    0.8147    0.1270    0.6324
    0.9058    0.9134    0.0975

Create variable matVar2 with a 3-by-3 matrix constructed from the integers 1 through 9 with equal row and column sums.

disp('Create variable matVar2:')
matVar2 = magic(3)
Create variable matVar2:

matVar2 =

     8     1     6
     3     5     7
     4     9     2

Create variable matVar3 with a table constructed by 3 rows and 2 columns.

disp('Create variable matVar3:')
matVar3 = table([10; 20; 30], {'M'; 'F'; 'F'}, 'VariableNames', {'Age', 'Gender'})
Create variable matVar3:

matVar3 =

  3x2 table

    Age    Gender
    ___    ______

    10     {'M'} 
    20     {'F'} 
    30     {'F'} 

List the names of variables in the current workspace that start with matVar.

disp('List variables starting with matVar.')
List variables starting with matVar.

Your variables are:

matVar1  matVar2  matVar3  

Save variables matVar1, matVar2, and matVar3 in a MATLAB formatted binary file (MAT-file) called 'example.mat'.

disp('Save variables to MAT-file:')
disp('>> save example.mat matVar1 matVar2 matVar3')
save example.mat matVar1 matVar2 matVar3;
Save variables to MAT-file:
>> save example.mat matVar1 matVar2 matVar3

Remove variables matVar1 and matVar2 from the current workspace.

disp(' ')
disp('Remove matVar1 and matVar2 from the current workspace:')
disp('>> clear matVar1 matVar2')
clear matVar1 matVar2;
Remove matVar1 and matVar2 from the current workspace:
>> clear matVar1 matVar2

List the names of the variables in the current workspace that start with matVar.

disp(' ')
disp('List variables starting with matVar.')
List variables starting with matVar.

Your variables are:


Load the variables in the MAT-File 'example.mat' into the current workspace.

disp('Load variables from example.mat:')
disp('>> load example.mat')
load example.mat;
Load variables from example.mat:
>> load example.mat

List the names of the variables in the current workspace that start with 'matVar'.

disp(' ')
disp('List variables starting with matVar.')
List variables starting with matVar.

Your variables are:

matVar1  matVar2  matVar3  

Display any variable by typing the variable name.

disp('Display variable matVar1:')
disp('>> matVar1')
Display variable matVar1:
>> matVar1

matVar1 =

    0.8147    0.1270    0.6324
    0.9058    0.9134    0.0975

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