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Quadrature Decoder

Compute position of quadrature encoder

Since R2020a

Motor Control Blockset / Sensor Decoders
Motor Control Blockset HDL Support / Sensor Decoders


The Quadrature Decoder block computes the position of the quadrature encoder.

To calculate the angular position of the quadrature encoder (and the rotor) in either degrees, radians, or per-unit, the block uses one of the following methods.

  • Difference between current encoder counter value and encoder counter value at the previous index pulse (when index pulse is available).

  • Current encoder counter value (when index pulse is not available).

This figure shows a quadrature encoder disk with two channels (QEPA and QEPB) and an index pulse (QEPI):

In this example, the timer driven by the QEP increments by four for each slit:


The block computes the angular position (in counts) of the quadrature encoder using the Cnt and Idx block inputs:

When Cnt ≥ Idx:

Position count=(CntIdx)

When Cnt < Idx:

Position count=Counts per revolution+(CntIdx)

When Cnt (an unsigned integer) exceeds the maximum value of the selected counter size, the block adds the necessary compensation internally.

When you clear the External index count checkbox, only Cnt input is available, therefore:

Position count=Cnt


  • Position count is the angular position of the quadrature encoder in counts.

  • Counts per revolution is the number of counts in one rotation cycle of the quadrature encoder (Counts per revolution = Encoder slits ⨯ Encoder counts per slit).

The block computes the output θm as:

θm=MaxPosition×(Position countEncoder slits×Encoder counts per slit)=MaxPosition×(Position countCounts per revolution)

Where, MaxPosition = 360 (degrees) or 2π (radians) or 1 (per-unit), based on the selected value of the Position unit parameter.




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Value that the quadrature encoder counter generates with respect to the slit-position. The port only accepts a scalar unsigned integer based on the Counter size parameter. For example, if you select 8 bits for Counter size, the input data type must be uint8.

Data Types: uint8 | uint16 | uint32

Value that the quadrature encoder counter generated with respect to the slit-position at the time of the last index pulse. The port only accepts a scalar unsigned integer based on the Counter size parameter. For example, if you select 8 bits for Counter size, the input data type must be uint8.


To enable this port, select the External index count parameter.

Data Types: uint8 | uint16 | uint32

Number of counts the quadrature encoder generates for each revolution.

CountsPerRev = Encoder slitsEncoder counts per slit


To enable this port, select the Use input port for computed parameters (run-time motor swap) parameter.

Data Types: uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | single | double | fixed point

Specify the inverse of the number of counts the quadrature encoder generates for each revolution at this port. The Data type for 1/CountsPerRev input parameter defines the data type of this input.


To enable this port, select the Use input port for computed parameters (run-time motor swap) parameter.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point


The data type of the input at the Cnt and Idx ports must be identical.


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Angular position that the block computes based on the Cnt and Idx inputs.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point


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The number of slits available in each phase of the quadrature encoder.


To enable this parameter, clear the Use input port for computed parameters (run-time motor swap) parameter.

The number of counts that the quadrature encoder generates for every slit. A count indicates a slit position. For example, select 4 (quadrature mode) if you want the encoder to generate four counts corresponding to 00, 10, 11, and 01 slit positions or values. If you select the quadrature mode:

Encoder counts per revolution (post-quadrature) = Encoder counts per slitEncoder slits


To enable this parameter, clear the Use input port for computed parameters (run-time motor swap) parameter.

Counter size signifies the register size of the counter used by the processor to count the quadrature encoder pulses. For example, when using TI’s C2000™ based hardware, it is the data type of the counter output of the eQEP block from C2000™ Microcontroller Blockset.

The block enables the Idx input port only if you select this parameter. The Idx input port expects a value equal to Cnt at the time of index pulse.

Unit of the angular position output.

The data type for the angular position output.


The Quadrature Decoder block can display the warning message 'Wrap on overflow detected' when needed.

Advanced Options

The block enables the CountsPerRev and 1/CountsPerRev input ports only if you select this parameter. When you select this parameter, the block also disables the Encoder slits and Encoder counts per slits parameters.

Specify the data type for the 1/CountsPerRev input. If you specify the fixed-point data type, you can use this parameter to specify the precision of the 1/CountsPerRev input.


To enable this parameter, select the Use input port for computed parameters (run-time motor swap) parameter.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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