Linear or Quadratic Objective with Quadratic Constraints
This example shows how to solve an optimization problem that has a linear or quadratic objective and quadratic inequality constraints. The example generates and uses the gradient and Hessian of the objective and constraint functions.
Quadratic Constrained Problem
Suppose that your problem has the form
subject to
where 1 ≤ i ≤ m. Assume that at least one
Hi is nonzero; otherwise, you can
use quadprog
or linprog
to solve this
problem. With nonzero Hi, the
constraints are nonlinear, which means fmincon
is the
appropriate solver according to the Optimization Decision Table.
The example assumes that the quadratic matrices are symmetric without loss of generality. You can replace a nonsymmetric H (or Q) matrix with an equivalent symmetrized version (H + HT)/2.
If x has N components, then Q and Hi are N-by-N matrices, f and ki are N-by-1 vectors, and c and di are scalars.
Objective Function
Formulate the problem using fmincon
syntax. Assume that
and f
are column vectors.
is a column vector when the initial vector
is a column vector.)
function [y,grady] = quadobj(x,Q,f,c) y = 1/2*x'*Q*x + f'*x + c; if nargout > 1 grady = Q*x + f; end
Constraint Function
For consistency and easy indexing, place every quadratic constraint matrix in one cell array. Similarly, place the linear and constant terms in cell arrays.
function [y,yeq,grady,gradyeq] = quadconstr(x,H,k,d) jj = length(H); % jj is the number of inequality constraints y = zeros(1,jj); for i = 1:jj y(i) = 1/2*x'*H{i}*x + k{i}'*x + d{i}; end yeq = []; if nargout > 2 grady = zeros(length(x),jj); for i = 1:jj grady(:,i) = H{i}*x + k{i}; end end gradyeq = [];
Numeric Example
Suppose that you have the following problem.
Q = [3,2,1; 2,4,0; 1,0,5]; f = [-24;-48;-130]; c = -2; rng default % For reproducibility % Two sets of random quadratic constraints: H{1} = gallery('randcorr',3); % Random positive definite matrix H{2} = gallery('randcorr',3); k{1} = randn(3,1); k{2} = randn(3,1); d{1} = randn; d{2} = randn;
Create a Hessian function. The Hessian of the Lagrangian is given by the equation
calculates an approximate set of Lagrange multipliers
λi, and puts them in a
structure. To include the Hessian, use the following function.
function hess = quadhess(x,lambda,Q,H) hess = Q; jj = length(H); % jj is the number of inequality constraints for i = 1:jj hess = hess + lambda.ineqnonlin(i)*H{i}; end
Use the fmincon
to solve the problem most efficiently. This algorithm accepts a Hessian
function that you supply. Set these options.
options = optimoptions(@fmincon,'Algorithm','interior-point',... 'SpecifyObjectiveGradient',true,'SpecifyConstraintGradient',true,... 'HessianFcn',@(x,lambda)quadhess(x,lambda,Q,H));
Call fmincon
to solve the problem.
fun = @(x)quadobj(x,Q,f,c); nonlconstr = @(x)quadconstr(x,H,k,d); x0 = [0;0;0]; % Column vector [x,fval,eflag,output,lambda] = fmincon(fun,x0,... [],[],[],[],[],[],nonlconstr,options);
Examine the Lagrange multipliers.
ans = 12.8412 39.2337
Both nonlinear inequality multipliers are nonzero, so both quadratic constraints are active at the solution.
Efficiency When Providing a Hessian
The interior-point algorithm with gradients and a Hessian is efficient. View the number of function evaluations.
output = iterations: 9 funcCount: 10 constrviolation: 0 stepsize: 5.3547e-04 algorithm: 'interior-point' firstorderopt: 1.5851e-05 cgiterations: 0 message: 'Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization compl...'
takes only 10 function evaluations to solve the
Compare this result to the solution without the Hessian.
options.HessianFcn = [];
[x2,fval2,eflag2,output2,lambda2] = fmincon(fun,[0;0;0],...
output2 = iterations: 17 funcCount: 22 constrviolation: 0 stepsize: 2.8475e-04 algorithm: 'interior-point' firstorderopt: 1.7680e-05 cgiterations: 0 message: 'Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization compl...'
In this case, fmincon
takes about twice as many
iterations and function evaluations. The solutions are the same to within
Extension to Quadratic Equality Constraints
If you also have quadratic equality constraints, you can use essentially the same technique. The problem is the same, with the additional constraints
Reformulate your constraints to use the Ji, pi,
and qi variables. The lambda.eqnonlin(i)
has the Lagrange multipliers for equality constraints.