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Wireless communications, radar and EW, sonar and acoustic systems

Use the Phased Array System Toolbox™ to simulate radar, sonar systems, and EW systems, and model automotive, satellite and MIMO communications systems.


  • Wireless Communications
    Multi-beam and electronically steerable antennas, hybrid and full digital beamforming for massive MIMO and mmWave systems, satellite communications
  • Radar and Wireless Coexistence
    Dual function waveform, spectrum sharing, cooperative radar and communication, joint communication and sensing
  • Radar and EW Systems
    Array design, virtual arrays, waveforms, parameter extraction, signal classification
  • Localization
    Time of arrival and time-difference of arrival estimation, time-of-arrival positioning, generalizer cross-correlation, device and target positioning
  • Sonar and Spatial Audio
    Acoustic arrays and beamformers, underwater channel propagation, sound sources and receivers, sonar target strength, sonar equation
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