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Signal Radiation and Collection

Narrowband and wideband signal radiation and collection by phased arrays

Radiators create the electromagnetic or acoustic fields that propagate through space, air, or water. Collectors transform those fields back into electronic signals at the receiver. Phased Array System Toolbox™ System objects and Simulink® blocks simulate radiation and collection processes for narrowband and wideband signals.


phased.CollectorNarrowband signal collector
phased.RadiatorNarrowband signal radiator
phased.WidebandCollectorWideband signal collector
phased.WidebandRadiatorWideband signal radiator


Narrowband Receive ArrayReceive narrowband radiation using phased array
Narrowband Transmit ArrayNarrowband transmit array
Wideband Receive ArrayWideband receive array
Wideband Transmit ArrayWideband transmit array


sensorsigSimulate received signal at sensor array
sensorcovSensor spatial covariance matrix


Radiation and Collection


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