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Visualize and Monitor Logging Data by using Simulation Data Inspector

This example shows how to collect PLC run-time data for Rockwell Automation® targets. Set up an Open Platform Communications (OPC) server. Use the Simulation Data Inspector in Simulink® to visualize and monitor the logging data.

Set Up and Download Code to Studio 5000 IDE

  1. Start the Studio 5000 IDE and create a project with the name ext_demo1.

  2. Import the generated ext_demo.L5X to the Add-On Instructions tree node of the project. For more information, see Generate Structured Text Code That Has Logging Instrumentation.

  3. In the MainProgram node, delete the ladder MainRoutine and create an ST MainRoutine node.

  4. In ST MainRoutine, define the tags listed in this table.

    Tag NameTag Type
  5. In Studio 5000 IDE, i0_Subsystem tag is the instance of the top subsystem AOI and the i0_Subsystem_val tag is the logging data with structure type Subsystem_log. Set the initial value of init tag to 1.

  6. Double-click the MainRoutine tree node and type in the code in the image. The statement Subsystem(i0_Subsystem, 23, Y1, Y2, Y3, i0_Subsystem_val) calls the logging method (ssmethod value=23) to log in data to the i0_Subsystem_val tag.

  7. Compile the project in Studio 5000 IDE and download to the PLC target.

Configure RSLinx OPC Server

  1. Start RSLinx Classic Gateway and select the menu item DDE/OPC->Topic Configuration.

  2. In the dialog box, create a topic ext_demo1 by clicking the New button. Select the target PLC from the PLC list.

  3. Click the Yes button to update the topic (ext_demo1).

  4. To verify that the log data is set up on the OPC server, select the menu item Edit->Copy DDE/OPC Link. The i0_Subsystem_val tag for log data must be shown on the RSLinx OPC Server.

Stream and Display Live Log Data by Using PLC External Mode Commands

After the RSLinx OPC Server is configured, you can use the PLC external mode commands to connect to the server, stream the logging data, and display live logging data on the Simulation Data Inspector. The log data information is in the plc_log_data.mat file, which you can find in the plcsrc folder. You can use the plcdispextmodedata function to display the contents of the MAT-file. In the MATLAB® Command Window, type:

>>cd plcsrc
>>plcdispextmodedata plc_log_data.mat
Log data:
#1: Y1: LREAL
#2: Y2: LREAL
#3: Y3: LREAL
#4: io_Chart.out: DINT
#5: io_Chart.ChartMode: DINT
#6: io_Chart.State_A: BOOL
#7: io_Chart.State_B: BOOL
#8: io_Chart.State_C: BOOL
#9: io_Chart.State_D: BOOL
#10: io_Chart.is_active_c3_Subsystem: USINT
#11: io_MATLABFunction.y: LREAL
#12: io_MATLABFunction.i: LREAL
#13: io_S1.y: LREAL
#14: io_S1.UnitDelay_DSTATE: LREAL
#15: i1_S1.y: LREAL
#16: i1_S1.UnitDelay_DSTATE: LREAL

The format for the log data information is index number, name, and type. The log data for non-top subsystem function block output and state variables is named by using dot notation to represent the function block instances that own the data. You can use the index and name of the log data with the plcrunextmode command to specify a subset of log data for streaming and visualization.

To connect to the OPC server and stream log data, use the plcrunextmode function. For example, executing the plcrunextmode ('localhost', 'studio5000', 'ext_demo1', 'plc_log_data.mat'); command streams live log data for the example model into Simulation Data Inspector.

The plcrunextmode command continues to run and stream log data. To exit streaming, at the MATLAB command prompt, type Ctrl-C.

See Also


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