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Generate Bus Variables as STRUCT Data Types in Structured Text Code

This example shows how to use Simulink® PLC Coder™ to generate bus variables as STRUCT data types in the generated structured text. To generate bus variables as STRUCT data types in the generated code, you must model your buses as nonvirtual buses. To create a nonvirtual bus, see Create Nonvirtual Buses. Simulink® PLC Coder™ does not support the generation of STRUCT data types from virtual buses.

Load Bus Element Descriptions

To load the bus element definitions and descriptions, run:


Open the Model

To open the model, run:


The model consists of two buses and a subsystem that accept inputs from the bus elements.

Convert Virtual Buses to Nonvirtual Buses

To convert the model virtual buses to nonvirtual buses:

  • Double click the Bus Creator block named Bus Creator. In the Block Parameters dialog box, select the Output as nonvirtual bus checkbox, and click OK.

  • Double click the Bus Creator block named Bus Creator1. In the Block Parameters dialog box, select the Output as nonvirtual bus checkbox, and click OK.

Generate Structured Text Code

To generate structured text code select Subsystem and then,

  1. In the Apps tab, click PLC Coder.

  2. In the PLC Coder tab, clock Settings > PLC Code Generation Settings. Change the Target IDE to 3S CodeSys 2.3. Click OK.

  3. Select the Subsystem2 block. In the PLC Code tab, click Generate PLC Code.

Alternatively, to generate structured text code from the MATLAB command line, use the plcgeneratecode function.

generatedfiles = plcgeneratecode('NonVirtualBus/Subsystem');
### Generating PLC code for 'NonVirtualBus/Subsystem'.
### Using model settings from 'NonVirtualBus' for PLC code generation parameters.
### Begin code generation for IDE codesys33.
### Emit PLC code to file.
### Creating PLC code generation report NonVirtualBus_codegen_rpt.html.
### PLC code generation successful for 'NonVirtualBus/Subsystem'.
### Generated files:

Inspect Generated Code

Open the generated structured text code file and view the generated code.

The generated structured text code contains VAR_INPUT and VAR_OUTPUT declarations with the bus elements generated as STRUCT data types

    ssMethodType: SINT;
    signal1: Sinusoidal;
    signal2: Cosinusoidal;
    signal1b: Sinusoidal;
    signal2b: Cosinusoidal;
    Delay_1_DSTATE: Sinusoidal;
    Delay_2_DSTATE: Cosinusoidal;
    Delay_1_InitialCondition: Sinusoidal;
    Delay_2_InitialCondition: Cosinusoidal;
CASE ssMethodType OF
TYPE Cosinusoidal:
        Chirp: LREAL;
        Cosine: LREAL;
TYPE Sinusoidal:
        Chirp: LREAL;
        Sine: LREAL;

See Also

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