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View Assigned Results in Polyspace Access Web Interface

In a typical collaborative review workflow, results in Polyspace® Access are assigned to individuals for further analysis, fixing, or justification. Three common ways to access your assigned results are:

  • You receive a direct link to a finding or set of findings.

  • You open Polyspace Access and navigate to your assigned results from the Project Overview dashboard.

  • You open Polyspace Access and navigate to your assigned results using the Review button in the taskbar and the Assigned to me filter from the filters drop-down list.

If you receive a link to your results, click the link to view your assigned results. Links are commonly sent through email or a bug tracking tool ticket.

View Assigned Findings by Using the Polyspace Access Project Explorer and Dashboard

Before you start reviewing your assigned results in Polyspace Access, make sure that:

  • You have a valid login for Polyspace Access.

  • You know the URL for your company’s Polyspace Access Web Interface. If you do not know the URL, contact your Polyspace Access administrator.

  • The results must be uploaded to Polyspace Access.

To view your assigned findings:

  1. Log into your company’s Polyspace Access Web Interface by using a web browser.

  2. Open the Project Explorer on the left side and select your project run. Projects are listed in a file-folder organization system. A project folder can contain additional sub-folders or individual project runs. After you select your results, the Project Overview dashboard opens, displaying your results.

    If you select the folder, the dashboard shows an aggregate of the statistics for all the project runs in that folder.

  3. Click Assigned To Me on the Summary card of the Project Overview dashboard. The REVIEW window opens and shows the Results List filtered to all the results that are assigned to you. If you select a folder instead of a project run, Assigned To Me is not clickable.

Summary card

You can reassign your results to another user if needed. See Triage and Assign Results in Polyspace Access Web Interface. At this point, all results assigned to you are displayed and you can begin investigating your results.

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