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Open or Export Results from Polyspace Access

Polyspace® Access™ offers a centralized database where you can store Polyspace analysis results for sharing with your team and collaborative reviews. After you upload analysis results to the database, you can:

  • View the results in your web browser.

  • Open the results from any Polyspace desktop interface that is configured for Polyspace Access.

  • Export a list of results to a tab-separated value (TSV) file for further processing, such as applying custom filters and pass/fail criteria.

  • Download results by using the polyspace-access command. You use these downloaded results to merge review information between Polyspace Access projects , or as part of the baseline workflow in Polyspace as You Code. See also:

    You cannot open results that you download with polyspace-access in any Polyspace interface.

The rest of this topic discusses how to open Polyspace Access results in a desktop interface and how to export results to a TSV file.

Open Polyspace Access Results in a Desktop Interface

Before you open Polyspace Access results in a desktop interface, you must configure the Polyspace desktop interface to communicate with Polyspace Access. See Integrate Polyspace User Interface with Polyspace Access.

To open results stored in the Polyspace Access database, go to Access > Open Result in the desktop interface, and follow the prompts. If you get a login request, use your Polyspace Access login credentials.

You can also open the desktop interface from the Polyspace Access web interface. On the toolstrip, click Open in Desktop. The desktop interface opens and shows the analysis results currently displayed in the Polyspace Access web interface.


In Linux®, the desktop interface must already be open before you can view analysis results currently open in Polyspace Access.

Once you open results in the Polyspace desktop interface, changes you make to the Status, Severity, or comments fields are reflected in Polyspace Access after you save those changes.

If you open a local copy of the results that you uploaded to Polyspace Access in the desktop interface, the review fields in the Result Details pane are read-only. You cannot edit the Status, Severity, or comments fields.

Export Polyspace Access Results to a TSV File

You can export Polyspace Access results to a tab-separated values (TSV) file only from the command line by using the polyspace-access binary. When you export results, you generate a TSV file that lists results with most of the same results attributes as the Results List in Polyspace Access Web Interface. Each listed result also includes a URL through which you can open the result in Polyspace Access. To filter the list of results you export, see the polyspace-access export options.

For example, to export all coding rules with status Unreviewed from project myProject stored in the public folder on Polyspace Access, open a command prompt terminal and enter:

polyspace-access -host hostName -port port ^
-export public/myProject -coding-rules -review-status Unreviewed ^
-output coding_rules.tsv

The command prompts you for your Polyspace Access login credentials, and then outputs file coding_rules.tsv.

hostName and port correspond to the host name and port number you specify in the URL of the Polyspace Access interface, for example https://hostName:port/metrics/index.html. If you are unsure about which host name and port number to use, contact your Polyspace Access administrator. Depending on your configuration, you might also have to specify the -protocol option in the command. See Configure and Start the Cluster Admin.

Note that you cannot export test or coverage results generated with Polyspace Test™ using the polyspace-access command.

See Also

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