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Collect detections from all sensors mounted on platform

Since R2021a


detections = detect(plat,time) reports the detections from all sensors mounted on the platform, plat, at the specified time. Use this syntax when none of the sensors require information on signals present in the scenario.

detections = detect(plat,signals,time) also specifies any signals, signals, present in the scenario. Use this syntax when sensors require information on the signals.

detections = detect(plat,signals,emitterConfigs,time) also specifies emitter configurations, emitterConfigs. Use this syntax when sensors require information on the configurations of emitters generating signals in the scenario.

[detections,numDets] = detect(___) also returns the number of detections, numDets. This output argument can be used with any of the previous syntaxes.

[detections,numDets,sensorConfigs] = detect(___) also returns all sensor configurations, sensorConfigs. This output argument can be used with any of the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments

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Scenario platform, specified as a Platform object. To create platforms, use the platform function.

Simulation time, specified as a positive scalar.

Example: 1.5

Data Types: single | double

Signal emissions, specified as a cell array of signal emission objects such as radarEmission objects.

Emitter configurations, specified as an array of emitter configuration structures. Each structure has these fields.


Unique emitter index, returned as a positive integer.


Valid emission time, returned as 0 or 1. IsValidTime is 0 when emitter updates are requested at times that are between update intervals specified by the UpdateInterval property.


Whether the emitter has completed a scan, returned as true or false.


Field of view of the emitter, returned as a two-element vector [azimuth; elevation] in degrees.


Emitter measurement parameters, returned as an array of structures containing the coordinate frame transforms needed to transform positions and velocities in the top-level frame to the current emitter frame.

Output Arguments

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Sensor detections, returned as a cell array of objectDetection objects.

Number of detections reported, returned as a nonnegative integer.

Data Types: double

Sensor configurations, returned as an array of sensor configuration structures. Each structure has these fields.


Unique sensor index, returned as a positive integer.


Valid detection time, returned as true or false. IsValidTime is false when detection updates are requested between update intervals specified by the update rate.


IsScanDone is true when the sensor has completed a scan.


Field of view of the sensor, returned as a 2-by-1 vector of positive real values, [azfov;elfov]. azfov and elfov represent the field of view in azimuth and elevation, respectively.


Minimum and maximum range of sensor, in meters, specified as a 1-by-2 nonnegative real-valued vector of the form [rmin,rmax].


Minimum and maximum range rate of sensor, in meters per second, specified as a 1-by-2 real-valued vector of the form [rrmin,rrmax].


Sensor measurement parameters, returned as an array of structures containing the coordinate frame transforms needed to transform positions and velocities in the top-level frame to the current sensor frame.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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