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Functional Report

This example illustrates a functional approach to creating a report generator based on the DOM API. It uses the DOM API to create a MATLAB® function, rptmagic, that generates a PDF, HTML, or a Microsoft® Word report on a specified set of magic squares.

Generate a Report

1. Open this example if it is not already open.

2. Generate an HTML, Word, or PDF report on four magic squares as follows:

  • Click to generate an HTML report:


  • Click to generate a Word report:


  • Click to generate a PDF report:


Edit the Example's Word Templates

This example uses two Microsoft Word templates to generate a Word report:

  • A main template that defines the format and fixed content of the reports title, table-of-contents, and introductory chapter.

  • A chapter template that defines the layout and fixed content of the chapters containing magic squares. The magic square chapter template is stored in the Quick Parts gallery of the main template.

You can edit these templates to change the appearance of a generated report:

1. Open this example if it is not already open.

2. Click winopen('magic_squares_docx.dotx') to open the template in Word

3. Edit the template(s) in Word.

4. Save the template(s).

5. Click rptmagic([10,20,40,75],'docx',true) to generate a report based on the modified template(s).

Edit the Example's HTML Templates

This example uses two HTML templates to generate an HTML report:

  • A main template that defines the format and fixed content of the reports title, table-of-contents, and introductory chapter.

  • A chapter template that defines the layout and fixed content of the chapters containing magic squares. The magic square chapter template resides in the main template's document part template library.

To edit the templates:

1. Click unzipTemplate('magic_squares_html.htmtx') to unzip the template.

2. Click edit('magic_squares_html/root.html') to open the template root document in the MATLAB editor.

3. Click edit('magic_squares_html/docpart_templates.html') to open the document part templates library document in the MATLAB editor.

4. Click edit('magic_squares_html/stylesheets/root.css') to open the report style sheet in the MATLAB editor.

4. Edit the template's files in the MATLAB editor.

5. Save the templates files.

6. Click zipTemplate('magic_squares_html.htmtx') to rezip the template.

7. Click rptmagic([10,20,40,75],'html',true) to generate a report based on the modified template.

Edit the Example's PDF Templates

This example uses two PDF templates to generate a PDF report:

  • A main template that defines the format and fixed content of the reports title, table-of-contents, and introductory chapter.

  • A chapter template that defines the layout and fixed content of the chapters containing magic squares. The magic square chapter template resides in the main template's document part template library.

To edit the PDF templates:

1. Click unzipTemplate('magic_squares_pdf.pdftx') to unzip the template.

2. Click edit('magic_squares_pdf/root.html') to open the template root document in the MATLAB editor.

3. Click edit('magic_squares_pdf/docpart_templates.html') to open the report style sheet in the MATLAB editor.

4. Click edit('magic_squares_pdf/stylesheets/root.css') to open the document part templates library document in the MATLAB editor.

5. Edit the template files in the MATLAB editor.

6. Save the files.

7. Click zipTemplate('magic_squares_pdf.pdftx') to rezip the template.

8. Click rptmagic([10,20,40,75],'pdf',true) to generate a report based on the modified template.

Edit the Example Code

1. Open this example if it is not already open.

2. Click edit('rptmagic.m') to open rptmagic.m in the MATLAB editor.

3. Edit rptmagic.m.

4. Save rptmagic.m.

6. Rerun rptmagic.m to see the results of your changes.

See Also

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