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Title Page

Insert title page at beginning of report


This component inserts a title page at the beginning of the report. To use the Title Page component, you need to have at least one Chapter component in your report. The Title Page component must be a child of the top-level Report or Report Form component.

For PDF and HTML reports, you can use the Style Sheet Editor to position title page elements (for example, title, copyright, and images) anywhere on the front or reverse side of the title page in any order. You can specify the size, color, weight, and slant of text elements. For details, see Modify Title Page Properties.


The text fields on this property pane support the %<VariableName> notation.

Main Tab


  • Title: Specifies the title of the report. The title is in a large font.

  • Subtitle: Specifies the subtitle of the report. The subtitle is in a smaller font under the title.


  • Author:

    • Custom(default): Specifies the author of the report.

    • No author: Does not specify an author name.

    • Automatic author: Automatically includes your user name as the author name.

    The author name appears under the subtitle, in a smaller font than the subtitle.

  • Include report creation date: Includes the date that the report is created. Choose the date format in the corresponding list.

  • Include copyright holder and year: Includes copyright holder and year information.

  • Display legal notice on title page: Includes the legal notice on the title page.

Image Tab


  • File name: Specifies the file name of an image to appear under the subtitle, on the title page.

  • Copy to local report files directory: Copies the image file into the folder in which the report file is located.

Display Options

  • Scaling: Controls size of the image, as displayed in a browser. Making an image larger using this option does not affect the storage size of the image, but the quality of the displayed image may decrease as you increase or decrease the size of the displayed image.

    Generally, to achieve the best and most predictable display results, use the default setting of Use image size.

    • Use image size: Causes the image to appear the same size in the report as on screen (default).

    • Fixed size: Specifies the number and type of units.

    • Zoom: Specifies the percentage, maximum size, and units of measure.

  • Size: Specifies the size of the image in the format [width height]. This field is active only if you choose Fixed size in the Scaling list.

  • Alignment: Only reports in PDF or RTF format support this property.

    • Auto

    • Right

    • Left

    • Center

Abstract Tab

  • Abstract Text: Specifies an optional abstract for the report.

  • Style Name: Specifies the style to use with the abstract text. To specify a style:

    1. Set the report’s File format to one of the from template options, for example, Direct PDF (from template).

    2. Set Style Name to Specify.

    3. In the Style Name text box, type a style name.

      To take effect, the style you specify must be a paragraph (or a linked paragraph/character style for Word reports) defined in the template that you use to generate the report. For example, if you use a Word template that defines a Normal style, you can enter Normal as the style name. For more information about template styles, see Report Templates.



If you use the Style Name field to specify a style for this text, the style formats below override the corresponding formats specified in the style. For example, selecting Bold makes the text bold, even if the specified style specifies regular weight text.

  • Bold: Makes the text bold.

  • Italic: Makes the text italic.

  • Underline: Underlines the text.

  • Strikethrough: Strikes through the text.

  • Color: Specifies the color of the text.

Legal Notice Tab

  • Legal Notice Text: Specifies an optional legal notice for the report.

  • Style Name: Specifies the style to use with the legal notice text. To specify a style:

    1. Set the report’s File format to one of the from template options, for example, Direct PDF (from template).

    2. Set Style Name to Specify.

    3. In the Style Name text box, type a style name.

      To take effect, the style you specify must be a paragraph (or a linked paragraph/character style for Word reports) defined in the template that you use to generate the report. For example, if you use a Word template that defines a Normal style, you can enter Normal as the style name. For more information about template styles, see Report Templates.



If you use the Style Name field to specify a style for this text, the style formats below override the corresponding formats specified in the style. For example, selecting Bold makes the text bold, even if the specified style specifies regular weight text.

  • Bold: Makes the text bold.

  • Italic: Makes the text italic.

  • Underline: Underlines the text.

  • Strikethrough: Strikes through the text.

  • Color: Specifies the color of the text.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes. Title page.



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