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Simulink Report Generator Task Examples

Report Generator sample tasks and associated code

These examples illustrate how to use the Report API to create and format report content.


Report Systems Hierarchically

Create report with model systems numbered hierarchically.

Report System Inputs and Outputs

Use an object to report on model and subsystem inputs and outputs.

Create Simulink Bus Object Reports

Create report of bus objects used in a Simulink® model.

Report Model Notes

Use an reporter to report on model notes.

Tile Simulink Diagrams

Span a Simulink diagram across multiple pages of a report.

Report Execution Order of Tasks and Blocks in Simulink Systems

Use an reporter to report on the tasks executed by a model and the order in which the blocks execute during each task.

Generate System Design Reports with Report API

Create a report program to generate a description of the design of a dynamic system.


Report Systems Hierarchically

Create report with model systems numbered hierarchically.

Report System Inputs and Outputs

Use an object to report on model and subsystem inputs and outputs.

Create Simulink Bus Object Reports

Create report of bus objects used in a Simulink model.

Report Model Notes

Use an reporter to report on model notes.

Tile Simulink Diagrams

Span a Simulink diagram across multiple pages of a report.

Customize Simulink Diagram Hyperlinks in HTML and PDF Reports

Customize hyperlink target for a block.

Report Execution Order of Tasks and Blocks in Simulink Systems

Use an reporter to report on the tasks executed by a model and the order in which the blocks execute during each task.

Generate System Design Reports with Report API

Create a report program to generate a description of the design of a dynamic system.


Report Systems Hierarchically

Create report with model systems numbered hierarchically.

Report System Inputs and Outputs

Use an object to report on model and subsystem inputs and outputs.

Create Simulink Bus Object Reports

Create report of bus objects used in a Simulink model.

Report Model Notes

Use an reporter to report on model notes.

Tile Simulink Diagrams

Span a Simulink diagram across multiple pages of a report.

Customize Simulink Diagram Hyperlinks in HTML and PDF Reports

Customize hyperlink target for a block.

Report Execution Order of Tasks and Blocks in Simulink Systems

Use an reporter to report on the tasks executed by a model and the order in which the blocks execute during each task.

Generate System Design Reports with Report API

Create a report program to generate a description of the design of a dynamic system.

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