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Event-Based Scheduling

Asynchronous event handling, rate transitions, timers, event data

Models can include blocks for generating code that handles asynchronous events, such as:

  • Hardware-generated interrupts

  • Asynchronous read and write operations

  • Asynchronous tasks spawned by a real-time operating system (RTOS)

For simulation, you can import asynchronous event data into a function-call subsystem.


Asynchronous Task SpecificationSpecify priority of asynchronous task represented by referenced model triggered by asynchronous interrupt
Async InterruptGenerate Versa Module Eurocard (VME) interrupt service routines (ISRs) that execute downstream subsystems or Task Sync blocks
Task SyncRun code of downstream function-call subsystem or Stateflow chart by spawning an example RTOS (VxWorks) task


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