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Prepare model for hardware connection, add blocks to support VEX® EDR V5 Robot Brain

Prepare Simulink® models for hardware connection, add blocks to support hardware protocols, reference examples featuring various applications.


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DC MotorRepresent connected DC motor and set motor speed
Digital OutputSet logical value to the 3-wire port on VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain
Servo MotorRepresent connected servo motor and set angular position value
Smart Motor WriteRepresent connected V5 Smart Motor and set its velocity and position
Differential DriveSet up differential drive and control robot pose (Since R2021a)
Gamepad ButtonRepresent one of the 12 buttons on VEX V5 Controller gamepad and read the logical value of the button
Gamepad JoystickRepresent one of the control axis on an x-y analog joystick on VEX V5 Controller gamepad and read the values
Competition SwitchRead the switch positions of VEXnet Competition Switch or field controller
Analog InputRead analog values from the 3-wire port on VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain
Digital InputRead logical values from the 3-wire port on VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain
Smart Motor ReadRepresent connected V5 Smart Motor and read encoder values
Vision SensorRepresent connected V5 Vision Sensor and read coordinates of color blobs (objects)
Optical Shaft EncoderRepresent connected Optical Shaft Encoder and read relative position of motor shaft in ticks
Ultrasonic SensorRepresent connected Ultrasonic sensor and measure distance to object
GyroscopeRepresent connected gyroscope and measure yaw angle
Inertial SensorMeasure orientation, acceleration, and angular rate (Since R2021a)
Distance SensorRead distance, velocity, and relative size of obstacle (Since R2021b)
Optical SensorRead proximity, color, and brightness (Since R2021b)
Rotation SensorRead shaft position and velocity (Since R2021b)
Rotation SensorRead shaft position and velocity (Since R2021b)
GPS SensorRead position and orientation (Since R2022b)
Arcade ModuleGet the right and left wheel speed values of a robot in an Arcade configuration
Field SimulatorView the simulation speed values of a two-wheel robot
Gamepad SimulatorGet the simulation value of a VEX gamepad using Logitech F310 or XBOX Controller
Gear TransmissionSet a scalar value (1 to 4) based on input values
LatchLatch the logical value based on the change in the input signal


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