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Set host COM port

Specify a COM port to download the executable on the hardware board

Model Configuration Pane: Hardware Implementation / Simulink or Embedded Coder Hardware Support Package / Hardware board settings / Target hardware resources / External mode


To download the executable on the hardware board, specify a COM port with the Set host COM port parameter. You can specify whether MATLAB® detects the COM port automatically or sets the COM port to that you specify.


Automatically (default) | Manually

To download the executable on the hardware board, specify a COM port. You can specify whether MATLAB detects the COM port automatically or sets the COM port to that you specify.


For setting the COM port automatically, in the Set host COM port parameter, select Automatically option.


For setting the COM port manually, in the Set host COM port parameter, select Manually option.

If you select the Manually option for Set host COM port parameter, specify the corresponding COM port in the COMPort parameter.

  1. To find the COM port on your Windows® computer, select Start > Control Panel > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT).

  2. To find the COM port on your Mac computer, open a terminal window and enter the following command:

    ls /dev/cu.usb*.

    This command lists the path and file name of the USB device that is connected to the VEX® hardware.

    For example: /dev/cu.usbmodem1410


The COMPort parameter appears when you select Manually option in the Set host COM port parameter.

Recommended Settings

No recommendation.

Programmatic Use

No programmatic use is available.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b